This is my project for my basic programming course at Shahid Beheshti University.
This program uses sdl and SBDL library
- Clone this project:
$ git clone
- Download SBDL library from here and read the tutorial
- Here is a sample CMake:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)
include_directories(Minesweeper C:/SDL/SDL2/include)
include_directories(Minesweeper C:/SDL/SDL2_image/include)
include_directories(Minesweeper C:/SDL/SDL2_mixer/include)
include_directories(Minesweeper C:/SDL/SDL2_ttf/include)
link_directories(Minesweeper C:/SDL/SDL2/lib/x86)
link_directories(Minesweeper C:/SDL/SDL2_image/lib/x86)
link_directories(Minesweeper C:/SDL/SDL2_mixer/lib/x86)
link_directories(Minesweeper C:/SDL/SDL2_ttf/lib/x86)
add_executable(Minesweeper main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(Minesweeper -std=c++11 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lSDL2_image -lSDL2_mixer -lSDL2_ttf)
- Compile the project and run
This project is using GNU General Public License v3.0
Read full LICENSE here
You can download and run the last release from here