Unity sample project using Mesh instancing in HDRP Path Tracing.
The project uses RayTracingAccelerationStructure.AddInstances function to add many ray tracing Mesh instances to an acceleration structure. HDRP Path Tracing is used to generate a high-quality image.
The acceleration structure in this project is manually managed. This can be set in Ray Tracing Settings from Volume settings. ManualRTASManager.cs is where the 3 procedural sculptures are generated and added to the acceleration structure. Regular scene geometries can be added to the acceleration structure using RayTracingAccelerationStructure.CullInstances function.
Go to Game view and click on Play to generate the image. Intel Open Image Denoiser is used to remove the final noise.
- Windows 10 version 1809 and above.
- GPU supporting Ray Tracing (SystemInfo.supportsRayTracing must be true).
- Unity 2023.1.0a18+.