This repository is part of an ongoing IPBES project.
The authors do not take any responsibility for it's copntent or the correct working of the code. If scripts in here wipe your data, you are on your own.
Nevertheless, please feel free to browse the code and re-use it at your own risk.
Once finalised, the final repo will be published on Zenodo
Project name: Business and Biodiversity - Ch 4 - Snowball Pilot
Assessment: Business and Biodiversity
Chapter: Ch 4
Short Name:
Please always includeIPBES_BBA_Ch4_Snowball_Pilot_1
in the title of the email to make sure it gets filtered correctly. -
Status: waiting for response and way forward
Assigned To:
email to:
email cc:
- LA
- LA
- TSU Data
- TSU Data
- ...
Github Repo: github repository
Googl Drive Folder: Google Drive
: data files created during the running of thesnowball.qmd
file and contains cached as well as final data files.figures
: figures created during the running of thesnowball.qmd
file in low-res as well as high-res.Key Papers
: Key papers for the snowball pilot and a.csv
file with the referencesR
: R scripts used to create the figures and tables in thesnowball.qmd
file. Files in this folder will be sourced initially. These will later be moved into an R package.
- Kepypaper were imported into Zotero and the
files were exported -
report file was created and theR
scripts added -
report created and data files and figures created - literature search will be done for two clusters
- authors will provide key papers fand suggestions for possible additional search strateies to get the literature
- citation clusters will be build for each and shown separately and combined
- Integrate reports into citation network
- Aidin will investigate identification of link networks on the internet starting from identified reports
- Rainer will investigate the possibility to use the
to identify papers citing the reports - Rainer will assess if the references can be extracted from the reports provided