Telegram bot sends verses from scriptures by requests Text based requests suports now only
- Clone the repo
cd sastra-bot
- You can run it in virtual env or in docker. To run in venv python=<3.9
- Creat virtual env
python 3.9 -m venv env
then acivate it. env/bin/activate
- Instal requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create .env file as copy of .env.sample
cp .env.sample .env
- To run bot you need to get bot token from botFather and you must know you own telegram ID
- Insert this info into .env file
- Run the bot
- For deployment with Docker skip steps 3-5. But you must have Docker installed
- Run on linux or Mac
make create
andmake run
. To using make command in Windows watch or run with related docker commands from Makefile