Repo to store all none code files and Idas about thesis docs
- technologies
1.1 node
1.1.1 express midlewares req hadlers (from one to other) error handling
1.2 angular
1.2.1 angular-material
1.3 mongoDB
1.3.1 Mongoose
1.4 Compilators (preprocesors)
1.4.1 Stylus (faster styling explain futres wich it provides)
1.4.2 Coffee (coffee and ES6, almost covers it now in ES5) (comparemnet between the two and explain why you droped Babal) Promises
1.4.3 Jade (forces to write better html code)
1.5 Unit Testing
1.5.1 Mocha Proxyquire Chai plugins
1.5.2 Karma and Jasmine Karma Jasmine
1.5.3 Compare
1.6 Building procces (move it up)
- What I've done
2.0 translate
2.0.1 how it works (add on change request saving for logged users!!!)
2.1 REST
2.1.1 Why i didn't used $resources and RestAngular
2.1.2 Error handling and displaying errors
2.2 Dialogs
2.2.1 How it works
2.2.2 How it escapes circular dependencies
2.3 Login and Register
2.3.1 authentecation
2.3.2 session
2.3.3 routes restriction
2.3.4 admins
2.4 reusable views and controllers inheritence
2.4.1 ScopeController //Why not use service instead -> Need to move data wich I'm not really gona use* only my views need it)
2.4.2 $controller
2.4.3 ivo-include
2.4.4 Progress why not use service instead ^ how it works
2.5 Configurations
2.5.1 animations
2.5.2 rendering
2.6 specific
2.6.1 Identiifing layers
2.6.2 order-text
2.7 addresses
2.7.1 auto fill
2.8 order finalization
2.9 order status tracking
2.9.1 order dates displaing
2.9.2 order sorting
2.9.3 status changes
2.10 admin actions
2.11 statistics