I was tired of other PDF readers being clunky and way too big for just displaying a book.
- Download the latest zip from Releases
- Unpack into a folder
- Launch PDFReader.exe
Right click and drag on the directories to move.
Middle click and drag on the directories to resize.
Right click on the directory tree for options.
- F5 to refresh the current directory
- O to open
- T for Always on Top
Put any suggestions in issues.
- Dragging and resizing doesn't work on the PDF view, currently you can manipulate the window only using the directory view.
- Resizing is clunky.
- If you get an error while loading the directory, or any permission issues, reset the directory path or delete the file in "%appdata%/JCVPDF Reader", or run this command:
del "%appdata%\JCVPDF Reader\folders.txt"
- Figure out an installer and discarding/packing all the unnecessary DLLs. If you know how to do this, please put it in suggestions!
- Tabs
- Better memory management
- More file directories, maybe directory bookmarks
- Better menus
- Rewrite the thing in