Attention: This role is no longer maintained. See:
Ansible role to install and configure Icinga 2.
The scope of this role is to handle the installation and configuration of Icinga 2. In the future it will be possible to configure Icinga as master, satellite or agent. This role handles only Icinga 2 and not any third-party software (like databases, nrpe, UI etc.). The installation and configuration of Icinga Web 2 is currently not part of this role.
The role is supported on the following platforms:
- Ansible >= v2.8
- Icinga 2 >= v2.8
- Ubuntu: 18.04, 20.04
- Debian: 9, 10
- CentOS/RHEL: 7, 8
Other operating systems or versions may work but have not been tested.
Platform support may be extended after a v1.0 release.
Using ansible-galaxy
ansible-galaxy install icinga.icinga2
Using requirements.yml
- src: icinga.icinga2
Prerequisites that you may need, but are not covered by this role:
- Database (MySQL/MariaDB/Postgres)
- Web UI (icingaweb2)
By default this role adds the official Icinga Repository to the system and installs the
- name: Default Example
hosts: localhost
- icinga2
You may choose to use your own or the systems default repositories. Repository management can be disabled:
- name: Example without repository
hosts: all
- icinga2
- i2_manage_repository: false
Whether to add the official Icinga Repository to the system or not. Defaults to true
Whether to install packages or not. Defaults to true
Whether to install the EPEL release package. Defaults to true
Whether to start, restart and reload the Icinga 2 on changes or not. Defaults to true
GPG key used to verify packages on APT based system. The key will be imported. Defaults to
Repository URL for APT based systems. Defaults
to deb{{ ansible_distribution|lower }} icinga-{{ ansible_distribution_release }} main
This may be customized if you have a local mirror.
GPG key used to verify packages on YUM based sytems. The key URL will be added to the repository file. Defaults to
Repository URL for YUM based sytem. Defaults to$releasever/release/
. This may be
customized if you have a local mirror.
By default, configuration located in /etc/icinga2/conf.d
is included. This list may be modified to include additional directories or set to []
to not include conf.d
at all (e.g. on distributed installations).
Defaults to [ "conf.d" ]
The ITL comes with a set of
pre-configured check commands. This variable defines what to include. Defaults to
["itl", "plugins", "plugins-contrib", "manubulon", "windows-plugins", "nscp"]
Set PluginDir
constant. Defaults to {{ i2_lib_dir }}/nagios/plugins
Set ManubulonPluginDir
constant. Defaults to {{ i2_lib_dir }}/nagios/plugins
Set PluginContribDir
constant. Defualts to {{ i2_lib_dir }}/nagios/plugins
Set NodeName
constant. Defaults to {{ ansible_fqdn }}
Set ZoneName
constant. Defaults to {{ ansible_fqdn }}
Set TicketSalt
constant. Empty by default.
Add custom constants to constants.conf
. Must be a dictionary. Defaults to: {}
Some default required values are specified in i2_default_constants
and merged with this variable. Use this variable to override these default values, or add your own constants.
Default values of i2_default_constants
PluginDir: "{{ i2_lib_dir }}/nagios/plugins"
ManubulonPluginDir: "{{ i2_lib_dir }}/nagios/plugins"
PluginContribDir: "{{ i2_lib_dir }}/nagios/plugins"
NodeName: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
ZoneName: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
TicketSalt: ""
Example usage:
- i2_constants:
TicketSalt: "My ticket salt"
Foo: "bar"
Replaces zones.conf
with configured zones.
- name: master
is_parent: true
- name: master1.example.tom
host: master1.example.tom
port: 15667
- name: master2.example.tom
- name: global-templates
is_global: true
- name: director-global
is_global: true
is_parent = sets the parent zone to this zonename (optional). is_global = sets the zone to a global zone (optional). host = sets the host ip/fqdn to connect to this endpoint (optional). port = sets the port (optional). Defaults to 5665. Requires host do be set.
The following variables are system specific and don't need to be overwritten in most cases. Be careful when making changes to any of these variables.
Base Icinga 2 configuration directory. Defaults to /etc/icinga2
Icinga 2 running as user. Default depends on OS.
Icinga 2 running as group. Default depends on OS.
Lib dir. Default depends on OS.
Features are maintained over the dictionary i2_custom_features
By default features won't be managed until i2_custom_features
has further values.
Example usage:
ApiListener: #ObjectType
api: #ObjectName
accept_command: true #ObjectAttribute
accept_config: true #ObjectAttribute
host: ""
port: "2004"
The variable i2_remove_unmanaged_features
change the behaviour of the feature handling.
It will remove all unmanged .conf
files from the directory /etc/icinga2/features-enabled
and let you manage only your defined features.
This handler starts Icinga 2. It is only used to make sure Icinga 2 is running. You can prevent this handler from
being triggered by setting i2_manage_service
to false.
This handler reloads Icinga 2 when configuration changes. You can prevent this handler from being triggered by setting
to false.
Example Agent Config:
Example usage (api featuer will NOT be enabled in this example):
- name: icinga Package
hosts: icingaagents
- icinga2
i2_confd: [] #don't include conf.d
- name: master
is_parent: true
- name: master1.example.tom
host: master1.example.tom
port: 15667
- name: master2.example.tom
- name: Playbook
hosts: all
- icinga.icinga2
When contributing several steps such as pull requests and proper testing implementations are required. Find a detailed step by step guide in
Testing is essential in our workflow to ensure a good quality. We use Molecule to test all components of this role. For a detailed description see
When releasing new versions we refer to SemVer 1.0.0 for version numbers. All steps required when creating a new release are described in
See also
AUTHORS is generated on each release.
This project is under the Apache License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.