- It collects all the commits from a Github branch, starting from a specified tag, filtering the commit messages on Task Prefix (e.g. SHD).
- It will then create a collection with all the Task Identifiers (e.g. SHD-100) and query Jira api for Stories with the Task Identifiers. The data that is collected contains the summary for the Jira task and a special field specifically for Release Notes, filled by for instance the Product Owner
- Finally, the collected task release notes are parsed into a template and outputted to screen or filesystem
- Github credentials / oauth token
- Repository name
- Branch name
- Tag name to start grabbing commits from
- Commit Task Prefix which matches Jira Task Prefix
- Jira credentials
- Test coverage for existing functionality
- Add release version name at the top of the release notes
- Create webbased ui to be able to generate release notes for any customer / version (create customer dropdown / branch dropdown / tag dropdown -> generate release notes)