👾 Hey I can find information from phone number. Easy to use and simple.
- Your Telegram API ID.Get it HereAPI_HASH
- Your Telegram API HASH.Get it HereBOT_TOKEN
- Your Bot Token. Get it from HereCHID
- Your Force subscribe channel id Get it from @MissRose_BotSUDO
- bot owners Id/ ids ( for broadcast and stats cmds). for multiple use space.API
- ypu must download truecaller app and log with phone number. get it from truecallerapp click 3 dots on top of right corner > settings > privacy center > download my data. after downloaded open .json file and find Instalation { "id" : ".... your api key is in after "id" : .
- Me for Nothing 😅
this is not final bot and updates upcomming. you can create pull requests. bcz currently i don't have time to update.