- Added dragging..
- Optimized a bit..
- Fixed possible detections..
- Added Show FPS + Dragging as an example..
- Added Give Melees as an example..
NEED HELP? Come ask questions here!
INTRO: Hello! This is a edit of Vanillas UI which includes ~ sub menus ~ some buttons ~ different height / width ~ ON / OFF checkboxes, rather than a big rectangle. ~ dragging
-- [ BUTTON EXAMPLE ] -- UI.Button("Refill Health", Vec2(100, 20), function() SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(-1), 200) end)
-- [ CHECK BOX EXAMPLE ] -- UI.Button("Godmode", Vec2(100, 20), function() godmode = not godmode SetEntityInvincible(player, godmode) end, nil, nil, nil, true, godmode)
NOTE: If you'd like a certain button within a certain submenu make sure the code is before the end & under the "if IsSubMenuOpen("subMenuName") then
If you can't figure out the rest, I'm concerned..