This project is an implementation of the challenge made by Engie GEM team.
The project is using .NET 8 so, if you use Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code, make sure that :
- .NET 8 SDK is installed
- Visual Studio is up-to-date if you use it
To start the project, you can either :
- Use Docker
- Use dotnet CLI command
- Use Visual Studio
In the root of the solution, build the docker image by running the following command :
docker build -t power-plant-api -f Dockerfile .
And then run the container with the following command :
docker run -d -p 8888:8888 --name power-plant-api power-plant-api
Head in the api folder of the project and run it with the following commands :
cd .\PowerPlantCC.Api\
dotnet run
Open PowerPlantCC.sln
solution file and run the solution.
The project exposes the following endpoint :
POST http://localhost:8888/productionplan
The purpose of this endpoint is to calculate the usage of given powerplants to reach a specific given power load in the most cost effective way by taking into account different parameters such as fuels costs, CO2 production cost and wind.
It expects a body with the following structure :
"load": 0.0,
"gas(euro/MWh)": 0.0,
"kerosine(euro/MWh)": 0.0,
"co2(euro/ton)": 0.0,
"wind(%)": 0.0
"powerplants": [
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"efficiency": 0.0,
"pmin": 0,
"pmax": 0
The payload contains 3 types of data:
- load: The load is the amount of energy (MWh) that need to be generated during one hour.
- fuels: based on the cost of the fuels of each powerplant, the merit-order can be determined which is the starting point for deciding which powerplants should be switched on and how much power they will deliver. Wind-turbine are either switched-on, and in that case generate a certain amount of energy depending on the % of wind, or can be switched off.
- gas(euro/MWh): the price of gas per MWh. Thus if gas is at 6 euro/MWh and if the efficiency of the powerplant is 50% (i.e. 2 units of gas will generate one unit of electricity), the cost of generating 1 MWh is 12 euro.
- kerosine(euro/Mwh): the price of kerosine per MWh.
- co2(euro/ton): the price of emission allowances (optionally to be taken into account).
- wind(%): percentage of wind. Example: if there is on average 25% wind during an hour, a wind-turbine with a Pmax of 4 MW will generate 1MWh of energy.
- powerplants: describes the powerplants at disposal to generate the demanded load. For each powerplant is specified:
- name:
- type: gasfired, turbojet or windturbine.
- efficiency: the efficiency at which they convert a MWh of fuel into a MWh of electrical energy. Wind-turbines do not consume 'fuel' and thus are considered to generate power at zero price.
- pmax: the maximum amount of power the powerplant can generate.
- pmin: the minimum amount of power the powerplant generates when switched on.
And returns the power produced by each given powerplants with the following structure :
"name": "string",
"p": 0.0