How to use this bot
Its simple af You can go to and install the latest version and thats it!
-Create an application on
-Click on Bots and make it bot
-Go to OAuth2
-Select generate url
-In scopes select bot
-In bot perms you can choose any as long as they can send message and ping everyone (If you dont wanna go through all the stuff give the bot adminstrator perms)
-Make channels depenending on how many pings you want (I personally recommend 3 because of rate limit)
-In your windows search 'command prompt' and run as administrator
-Type in 'pip install'
-Go to and click the bot you want to select as ping bot
-Then on the left side click Bots
-Click the reset token (Make sure it copy it beacuse you are going to need that in order to run the bot)
-Make a folder if you want
-Right-click anywhere > New > TextDocument > You can name it anything you want but make sure you add .py in end (eg:
-Now right-click the file you just create and select Open with > Notepad (You can also use code editor if you have but wont make any difference).
-Paste the code from
-Dont edit anything in the code! scroll to the bottom and replace 'your token' in line 27 and paste with the token you copied
-Click CTRL+S and you can exit
-Double click your python file
-Go to the respective channel and type 'start'
-Enjoy your pings!
Got error while making the bot? Join my server for so I can help you!