## Main Idea
Sharing his ressources with each others, in your own community, on a dedicated central point
## Why this application ?
The goal of this app is to provide a central point from where you can federate all the news and feeds of your community instead of having to open several times (some tools) to follow each news and feeds.
## How does it work ?
A script will grab the sources of your community and will generate articles with the help of pelican.
make a virtualenv ;)
pip install pelican feedparser peewee
replace the file pelicanconf.py and publishconf.py by the one provided here
create the database by entering :
python load_data.py
for the first execution, to cheat ;) update the date triggered column to be able to grab several data
sqlite3 smcomm.db
update feeds set date_triggered = '2014-01-01 18:00:00.0000';
grab the feeds :
python grab_data.py
generate html file
make html
launch the server
make server
the result may look like this