This DSC module allows you to modify XML attributes in XML based application configuration files
- ConfigPath: Path to the configuration file.
- XPath: XPath to find the node in the XML
- Name: Name of the attribute or element node.
- Value: Value for the attribute
- isAttribute: Switch to distinct between a single attribute and an element with multiple attributes
- isElementTextValue: Switch for elements with a text node
- Attribute1: Name of the first attribute in a key/value pair. Default is key.
- Attribute2: Name of the second attribute in a key/value pair. Default is value.
- XMLNS: Value of the XmlNamespaceManager (e.g.: ""). If omitted the resource is using the first one.
- NSPrefix: The prefix for the XmlNamespaceManager, which is then used in XPath.
- DoBackup: If set to true a backup file will be created before modifying and saving the original file.
- Ensure: Define whether the attribute is Present or Absent.
- EnforceNullXMLNS: Enforcement of not using the default XmlNamespaceManager. Usefull when items don't have one.
- changed parameter Name to key and allowe empty string in order to support same combinations for XPath and ConfigPath
- Fixed enforcement of XmlNamespaceManager
- introduced new parameter EnforceNullXMLNS
- Fixed Remove-XMLItem backup functionality
- improved Known Issue with multiple attributes in an element
- added support for Add/Remove/Modify elemnts with textvalue
- improve backup of files
- improve code
- added XmlNamespaceManager support
- fixed backup issues
- initial release
Add, remove or set an element with 2 attributes in the //appSettings section. The example code add an element named add with 2 attributes 'key=SmtpSendLogFlushInterval' and 'value=0:00:30' to the file and enforces that the node with the attribute 'key=SmtpRecvLogFlushInterval' doesn't exists.
Add or remove an attribute in the /MRSConfiguration section. The example code shows how to ensure that the attribute 'FoolMe' doesn't exist and 2 attributes (MaxRetries/MaxActiveMovesPerSourceMDB) are present and have specified values.
The module uses XPath in order to find attributes and nodes in a given file. XPath is by default case-sensitive! The module supports the following operations:
- single attribute: add/remove/modify
- elements with text node: add/remove/modify
- multiple attributes in an element: you can add an element with multiple attributes only, if an element with the same neame already exists. Example: In //appSettings section there are several elements named add with 2 attributes (key/value pairs). You can add additional elements with the name 'add key=... value=...',
but not with a different name like 'remove key=... value=...'. In this case you first need to create an empty element and add the attributes.if an element doesn't exist, the last part of the XPath after a / will be deleted and an element will be added one level up.