CryptoSSL is a simple class for asymmetric encrypting and decrypting, using PHP OpenSSL library. Its goal is to be used easy with minimum coding, but yet retain the basic functionality of encrypting and decrypting with public and private keys.
- Load public and private keys in .pem format;
- Use public and private keys to directly encrypt and decrypt short size data;
- Use public and private keys to encrypt and decrypt big size data, by
randomly generated secret key for the internal symmetric encryption.
- By using openssl_seal() / openssl_open functions
- By using mcrypt_crypt / mcrypt_decrypt functions (Deprecated)
- Get encrypted data in three posibble encodings
- RAW - encrypted data is not changed
- BASE64 - (default)
- HEX - hex representation of encrypted data bytes
It is simple - just include the class file.
$c = new \InsectEater\CryptoSSL('public.pem', 'private.pem');
$Data = 'My short length secret key.';
echo $c->publicEncrypt($Data);
echo $c->privateDecrypt($c->Encrypted);
For more, check example.php file.