To see how it works, head into the test directory. You will need to launch Ganache-cli with these parameters
ganache-cli --defaultBalanceEther 10000 --network-id 1337 --chain-id 1337 --deterministic
You will also need a node version ^12. I use nvm to manage multiple node versions at the same time. This is akin to how pyenv is used to manage different versions of Python
Install yarn globally
npm install -g yarn
First install the deps
run in root
To run the tests you'll need both the ethereum-bridge (yarn add -g ethereum-bridge
) and the GSN cli (yarn add -g @opengsn/gsn
Run them in two different terminals: To start ethereum-bridge
ethereum-bridge -H localhost:8545 -a 9 --dev
To start GSN
gsn start
Once GSN starts, copy the Forwarder and Paymaster addresses printed by the terminals and put them in your .env
Now you are ready to run the tests
yarn test