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=== Music Lite ===

Version: 1.5
Contributors: organicthemes, itsdavidmorgan
Tags: blog, portfolio, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, custom-logo, featured-images, featured-image-header, flexible-header, full-width-template, translation-ready, sticky-post, threaded-comments, editor-style, theme-options, footer-widgets
Requires at least: 4.8
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

== Description ==

A WordPress theme for musicians. Created by Organic Themes.

== Installation ==

1. Upload the theme by navigating to Appearance > Themes > Install Themes within the WordPress admin. Select the theme zip file to upload.
2. Activate the theme after uploading.
3. Configure and save the theme options within Appearance > Customize.

== Copyright ==

Music Lite WordPress Theme, Copyright 2017 Invulu, Inc.
Music Lite is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL

== Credits ==

== Images ==

* logo.png: Created by David Morgan, Licensed under the GPLv2 license.
* logo.psd: Created by David Morgan, Licensed under the GPLv2 license.
* close.svg: Created by David Morgan, License: GPLv2.
* menu.svg: Created by David Morgan, License: GPLv2.
* screenshot.png: Source: Pixabay, Licensed under the GPLv2 license. Licensed under Creative Commons Zero license,
* default-header.jpg: Source: Pixabay, Licensed under Creative Commons Zero license,
* image-about.jpg: Source: Pixabay, License: Creative Commons Zero license,
* image-blog.jpg: Source: Pixabay, License: Creative Commons Zero license,
* image-contact.jpg: Source: Pixabay, License: Creative Commons Zero license,

== Font Awesome ==

* Font License: SIL OFL 1.1
* Code License: MIT License

== Scripts ==

* jquery.fitvids.js, Released under the WTFPL license,

== Changelog ==

== 1.5 ==
* Updated Gutenberg styles
* Updated Font Awesome
* Added new social media icons
* Added new Gutenberg functions
* Updated admin notification
* Updated plugin activation class

== 1.4.3 ==
* Updated escaping in header.php
* Updated escaping in banner-image.php

== 1.4.2 ==
* Gutenberg updates
* Added new stylesheet tags
* Better handling of plugin recommendation
* Updated attribute escaping in footer
* Added wp_body_open action in header.php

== 1.4.1 ==
* Reverted Gutenberg editor background to white
* Additional Gutenberg updates

== 1.4 ==
* Gutenberg style updates
* Added Gutenberg editor styles
* Enqueued Font Awesome in block editor
* Enqueued Google Fonts in block editor
* General cleanup

== 1.3.6 ==
* Fixed error related to previous update

== 1.3.5 ==
* Updated image brightness detection JS
* Changed enqueue name for brightness script
* Additional brightness script fixes for WP 5.3
* Updated admin notice
* General cleanup

== 1.3.4 ==
* Fixed classic editor text color issue
* Minor style changes for text colors

== 1.3.3 ==
* Recommended new plugins
* Added review notification

== 1.3.2 ==
* Updated body default text color
* Updated heading default text color

== 1.3.1 ==
* Gutenberg style updates

== 1.3 ==
* Gutenberg optimization updates
* Fixed issue with header video not working on home template
* Updated flexslider.js script
* Updated recommended plugins
* Allow date range to be displayed
* Past tour dates now display
* Conditional style fixes
* General cleanup

== 1.2.2 ==
* Fixed issue of custom admin submenu link overwriting other links

== 1.2.1 ==
* Localization update
* Added submenu link
* Specified plugins as required

== 1.2 ==
* Updated background brightness script
* Updated OCW plugin name to Organic Builder Widgets
* Added theme support submenu link
* General cleanup

== 1.1.9 ==
* Added upgrade option

== 1.1.8 ==
* Added logo resizer
* Fixed max width bug with logo
* Fixed issue with home page template if custom content plugin is not active

== 1.1.7 ==
* Removed Customize Posts as recommended plugin

== 1.1.6 ==
* Fixed bug with footer widgets displaying on home page
* Fixed background color display in customizer
* Display custom header for blog on mobile

== 1.1.5 ==
* Updated theme description with link to demo
* Added dismissible admin notice

== 1.1.4 ==
* Added credit link to screenshot
* Updated prefix for fonts handle
* Removed default content for header options

== 1.1.3 ==
* Updated prefixes throughout theme to 'music-lite'
* Replaced default images with Pixabay
* Fixed missing escaping for get_theme_mod
* Removed sticky post tag
* Added editor style separately
* Changed wp_reset_query to wp_reset_postdata
* Updated sanitization
* Removed languages folder

== 1.1.2 ==
* Updated required custom post type plugin to recommended
* Updated required custom post type plugin to install from plugin directory

== 1.1.1 ==
* Minor style fixes to the menu

== 1.1 ==
* Fixed multiple text domains
* Updated theme description

== 1.0 ==
* Initial build