<a-entity selectable>
<a-cube position="-2 0 0"></a-cube>
<a-cube position="2 0 0"></a-cube>
<a-camera position="0 1.8 5">
cursor="maxDistance: 30; timeout: 500"
position="0 0 -5"
geometry="primitive: ring; radiusInner: 0.1; radiusOuter: 0.15; segmentsTheta: 32"
material="color: #ff7700; shader: flat">
Now everything inside the first entity will be selectable. Focus the ring on it, and click, to put a bounding box around the selected entity. Fires a selected
event on the element with the selectable attribute.
document.querySelector('a-entity[selectable]').addEventListener('selected', (e) => {
Only one thing at a time can be selected, but I'm open to pull requests to allow multi-selection.
Click an element again to toggle selection.
Click anywhere else in the scene to remove the selection.