This repository contains chatwork recipes to integrate with deployer.
composer require ippey/deployer-chatwork-recipe --dev
Include recipes in deploy.php file.
require 'recipe/chatwork.php';
– chatwork api token, requiredchatwork_room_id
– chatwork room ID, requiredchatwork_title
– the title of application, default{{application}}
– notification message template, markdown supported_{{user}}_ deploying `{{branch}}` to *{{target}}*
– success template, default:Deploy to *{{target}}* successful
– send message to chatworkchatwork:notify:success
– send success message to chatwork
If you want to notify only about beginning of deployment add this line only:
before('deploy', 'chatwork:notify');
If you want to notify about successful end of deployment add this too:
after('success', 'chatwork:notify:success');
Licensed under the MIT license.