A simple asp.net 5 application that allows a client to post to a domain returning a shortened url that redirects to the given url. The fozie.net endpoint is avalible for public use!
The idea is to be able to copy urls and shorten them quickly through keyboard bindings. The current bash script will set your clipboard content to the shorten url
This isn't a set tutorial for linux operating systems as this mainly depends on what desktop enviorment you are using. However, simply make the bash script executable and bind a key to it.
You will need xclip for this to work
Simply double click Install.vbs and you'll be on your way! It'll create a shortcut on your desktop that is default binded to (CTRL+ALT+C). To change this simply open the propeties menu.
git clone https://github.com/Isaac-Duarte/ShortUrl.git
cd ShortUrl
cscipt Install.vbs
Hey Postgres version
In order to run this api you need to have .NET 5 installed. (Windows, MacOS, Linux)
git clone https://github.com/Isaac-Duarte/ShortUrl.git
cd ShortUrl
dotnet build
- The appsettings.json allows to change the database connection string.
- The
part of the configuration is for binding to domains/ip addresses.
By default only SQLite will work, however if you want to use MySQL, Postgree, etc add the proper nuget packages. Database Providers
Fred Duarte - Windows support
Isaac Duarte - API, Linux & MacOS Support.