This project is meant to create graphically beautiful fractals.
This project is to create a small fractal exploration program. Start by seeing what a fractal is.
- The second project of Codam (42 Network School) in the graphic branch, the full PDF can be found in this repository.
- Makefile commands:
make re
make clean
make fclean
- Usage:
./fractol FractalName
Fractals you can choose:
Move with arrows (UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT).
Zoon in and out with the mouse scroll.
Reset the set with R.
ESC to quit the program.Three sets of colors, change with the following keys:
S = Standard.
P = Psychedelic.
B = Brazil.
Controls Julia Set:
Move the mouse to change form.
Click to freeze, click again to unfreeze.
Ps: The interaction value change when you zoon in and out.
Ps2: The zoom follows the mouse position.