Different types of data analytics projects : EDA, PDA, DDA, TSA and much more.....
- Car Feature Analysis
- Iris Classifier Model Comparison
- COVID-19 Analysis and Prediction
- Airbnb Explanatory Data Analysis
- IMDb Sentiment Analysis
- Mall Customer Clustering
- IPL Explanatory Data Analysis
- Movie Recommendation Engine
- Credit Card Fraud Detection
- Hotel Reviews Sentiment Prediction
- Loan Default Prediction
- Flight Passenger Traffic : TSA
- Suicide Rate Analysis
- Videogames Sales Prediction and EDA
- Stock Market Prediction and Analysis using LSTM
- Bank Customer Churn Prediction
- Heart Attack Prediction
- SMS Spam Detection using NLP
- World Happiness EDA
- HR Data Analytics
- Udemy Course Recommendation and Auditor
- Animated Time Series Graphs
- Bangladesh Economic Indicators
- House Price Prediction