- Making E2E type-safe APIs is fun and easy
- Gives you a deeper understanding of Next.js
- Going to be very popular (prediction)
- tRPC
- TypeScript
- Prisma (Postgres)
- Zod - Schema validation & type generation
- nodemailer - Sending OTP emails
- Next.js
- TailwindCSS
- Typescript
- Tailwind CSS
- React Hook Form
- React Query
- React Icons
- React Toastify
- React Testing Library
- SuperJSON
- JSON Web Token
- ESLint
- Prettier
- Husky
- Jest
- Prisma
- MongoDB
- Docker
** Frontend Technologies 🛠
for run in local you need the local database
docker-compose up -d
- MongoDB URL Local: yarn install yarn dev
- Node
- Npm
1.- npm install or yarn install
2.- npm run dev or yarn dev --Mode development
1.- npm install or yarn install
2.- npm run build or yarn build
3.- npm run start or yarn start --Mode production
- Vercel - Vercel
Tools I've used in this project
- React - React
- NextJs - NextJs
- Next Auth - Next Auth
- Axios - Axios
- React Query - React Query
- React Hook Form - React Hook Form
- React Icons - React Icons
- React Toastify - React Toastify
- React Spinners - React Spinners
- Tailwind - Tailwind
- Express JS - Express JS
- MongoDB - MongoDB
- Prisma - Prisma ORM
- Typescript - Typescript
- Zod - Zod
- React Testing Library - React Testing Library
Developed by
- Ismael JDz7 - Frontend-Developer - IsmaelJdz7
⌨️ with ❤️ by IsmaelJDz7 😊