This is a mostly graphics engine, which includes following technologies:
- Meshes:
- FBX mesh loader;
- Heightmap-based terrain loader.
- GUI:
- Self-written simple GUI using Direct2D.
- Graphics effects:
- SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion);
- SSR (Screen Space Reflections);
- OIT (Order Independent Transparency);
- Cascaded PCSS (Percentage Closer Soft Shadows);
- Voxel-based global illumination using light propagation volumes;
- Voxel-based volumetric effects (clouds, fog);
- SVO (Sparse Voxel Octree) realtime ray tracer;
- Dynamic/static cube map reflections/refractions;
- Reflective and refractive water surface;
- Particle systems (rain, fire);
- Environment mapping.
- Physics:
- GPU fluid simulation using SPH (Smooth Particles Hydrodynamics) with GS+blur/marching cubes surface reconstruction;
- GPU voxel-based body collision physics.
Engine is written in C++ and HLSL using DirectX 11.
To compile it you will need:
- Visual Studio Professional 2015 or later;
- DirectX 11 SDK;
- Autodesk FBX SDK 2016.1.2;
- Windows 10 SDK.
Some effects (for example, SVO ray tracer) may need at least AMD Radeon RX 480 GPU/Nvidia GTX 1060 to run.