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Getting Started

Ivaynn edited this page Jul 6, 2024 · 5 revisions

To start using the data pack you'll need a turtle. You can craft an egg using the recipe below, use it to spawn your turtle.

Turtle Egg Recipe Items
Recipe 6 Cobblestone
1 Block of Diamond
1 Observer
1 Block of Redstone
  • The cobblestone can be replaced with cobbled deespslate or blackstone.

Turtles have inventories with 15 slots and an additional slot for their equipped tool, which is used for certain tasks.

To access a turtle's inventory, right-click it while sneaking. The first player who interacts with a turtle becomes its owner and, by default, only they can interact with it.

Turtle Menu

Hit a turtle (left-click) to open its 5-page menu:

Page Contents
Home Basic information, status, movement keys
Edit Create programs
Counters List of counters and their values
Options Change turtle's options
More Credits and useful links

Item Interactions

Hit a turtle while sneaking and holding certain items to use them (fuel items are consumed).

Action Items
Switch equipped item Any sword, axe, pickaxe, shovel or hoe
Save/load program Any music disc
Fuel turtle (increase speed) Coal, charcoal, block of coal, blaze rod
Change turtle's appearance Observer, dropper, dispenser, pumpkin, ...
Start/stop turtle Lever
Remove turtle (drop items) Stick

Turtle Options

Every turtle has this list of toggleable options that affect its behavior:

Option Description
Auto Mine Automatically mine blocks in the turtle's path when moving
Pause On Error Pause the turtle when an error occurs while running an instruction
Locked Only the turtle's owner can interact with it. This doesn't lock its inventory
Auto Fuel Automatically consume the first fuel item when the fuel level reaches zero
Safe Mine Prevent the turtle from mining important blocks and containers
Show Text Display the current instruction above the turtle, useful for debugging
Damage Players The attack instruction can damage and kill players
Clear Counters Counters are cleared on program start
Silent Stops the turtle's sounds

These options are considered part of a turtle's program since they affect how it behaves.

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