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Arc V3 is the next generation of the open source ARC discord bot. The application now is complete with a web management dashboard coded in react JS and an API coded in express JS.

All three services are connected together using a central mongo database. The app also includes a database explorer deployed automatically (mongo-express)

Running the system

The arc system can be run easily using the docker-compose file provided

First you should set up your .env file as follows

TOKEN='TOKEN' #  This should be your discord bot application token obtained from the discord developer portal.

MONGODB_URI='mongodb://root:<password>@mongo:27017/Arc3?authSource=admin' # passwords here and the mongo_inidn_root_password should match

GUILD_ID='id' # TEMPORORY - Currently the system will only fully function on one main server. Input it's ID here. 

BUILD_PATH='../arc3-dash/build' # This is set to wherever your react client build will be relative to the expess server.

DISCORD_CLIENT_ID="id" # Discord application client id obtained from the discord developer portal.
DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET="secret" # discord application client secret obtained from the discord developer portal.

DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI="<base_uri>/auth/callback" # only change the base_uri part unless you know what you are doing. This will control where the user is redirected apon login. The base_uri shoudl match the one found in the client_redirect_url variable and the hosted_url

JWT_SECRET="secret" # the secret used for JWT signing of the session tokens.

CLIENT_REDIRECT_URL="<base_uri>" # This is where the user will be redirected after logging in sucessfully.

DIRECT_URL="" # This is the oauth2 url that is generated by discord for the login link. Create this in the discord developer portal. 

HOSTED_URL="<base_uri>" # the base uri where the client and server are hosted.

Then, simply install docker and docker compose and then run it with this command.

docker compose up -d


Untitled Diagram drawio

Arc3 + Discord Bot Client

Arc3 is a discord bot written in C# using the Discord.NET library to control the discord bot client. It interacts with the mongodb database as it's sole source of truth.


Arc3-Api is an api written in expressJS that serves information from the mongo databse. It provides all the necessay routes for Arc3-Dash to work which is the web frontend. Arc3-Api serves the frontend at the root / http route and also uses oauth2 authentication to protect routes.


Arc3-Dash is a web frontend dashboard to manage and visualize data in the Arc3 system. Importantly, it is served by the Arc3-Api and thus levereages the same authentication available through that.


Arc3-Tasks is a collection of node scripts that perform various useful actions for the arc system such as backups, restores, cleanup, data compliance, etc...

Ofelia Scheduler

This is a scheduler component that is used to trigger various actions inside of Arc3-Tasks by default it does an automated backup every 24 hours and a cleanup of data every 12 hours.


You can see some of the instructions in the default readmes given by create-react-app and such. There is also some vscode configs given as part of the project where you can run and debug every part of the system individually.