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A repository of scripts for extracting pulse filter weights and applying the weights.

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HCAL Pulse Filter Study

This is a repository of scripts for extracting pulse filter weights, applying the weights and reconstructing trigger primitives, and making plots of end results. Several steps are outlined below to go from generating special PU-mixed files to extracting weights to applying the weights.

DISCLAIMER: Any file paths implicitly assumed are customized for the author and will not work out-of-the-box.

1. Initializing a Workspace

First one needs to setup a working area for everything. If on LPC, making a nobackup area is not necessary as it exists by default. If not at LPC it is encouraged to make a nobackup folder as it is assumed by many scripts in this repository. It is also recommended to fork this repository.

mkdir -p $HOME/nobackup
cd $HOME/nobackup/

git clone${GIT_USER}/HCAL_Trigger_Study.git
cd HCAL_Trigger_Study

mkdir cmssw plots input

2. Producing DIGI-RAW Files With and Without Pileup

Before we can proceed, we need to initialize a CMSSW area and compile:

cd $HOME/nobackup/HCAL_Trigger_Study/cmssw

mkdir puMixing
cd puMixing

cmsrel CMSSW_10_6_1_patch1
cd CMSSW_10_6_1_patch1/src

# Add this package to tweak
# PU mixing behavior
git cms-addpkg Mixing/Base

scram b -j 4

The first step is to take a ttbar and/or nugun GEN-SIM file and produce two daughter RAW files for exactly two different pileup scenarios. One daughter file will have no pileup mixed in while the other file will have pileup mixed in for whichever special pileup scenario is being studied.

Possible centrally-produced GEN-SIM files to be used could be:

ttbar: /RelValTTbar_13/CMSSW_10_6_0_pre4-106X_upgrade2021_realistic_v4-v1/GEN-SIM

nugun: /RelValNuGun/CMSSW_10_6_1_patch1-106X_mcRun3_2021_realistic_v3_rsb-v1/GEN-SIM

With these GEN-SIM input files we can use to make a cmsRun configuration file for completing the GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW step. In the case of mixing in pileup one can call a la:
  --pileup_input das:/RelValMinBias_13/CMSSW_10_6_0_pre4-106X_upgrade2021_realistic_v4-v1/GEN-SIM \
  --filein das:/PUT/DAS/PATH/HERE \
  --era Run3 \
  --eventcontent RAW \
  -s DIGI:pdigi_valid,L1,DIGI2RAW \
  --datatier RAW \
  --pileup AVE_50_BX_25ns \
  --geometry DB:Extended \
  --conditions 106X_upgrade2021_realistic_v4 \
  --fileout \

As the process of mixing in pileup is intensive, it is recommended that instead of specifying all three GEN-SIM files as input to just specify each one in its own configuration file to be able to run in parallel. To configure for mixing in only out-of-time pileup, open up the generated python configuration file and make sure the following lines are configuring the mixing module:

process.mix.input.nbPileupEvents.averageNumber = cms.double(50.000000)
process.mix.input.manage_OOT = cms.untracked.bool(True)
process.mix.input.OOT_type = cms.untracked.string("Poisson")
process.mix.input.Special_Pileup_Studies = cms.untracked.string("Fixed_ITPU_Vary_OOTPU")
process.mix.bunchspace = cms.int32(25)
process.mix.minBunch = cms.int32(-10)
process.mix.maxBunch = cms.int32(4)

An equivalent cmsRun configuration file can be made for the case of no pileup and can be done by excluding the --pileup_input and --pileup flags and changing the name passed as --fileout when calling After running cmsRun and waiting for many hours one will have a RAW root file with pileup mixed in.

3. Making HCAL Ntuples

RAW files---like those produced during pileup mixing---are processed with the cms-hcal-trigger framework to produce manageable and simple-to-use ROOT TTrees (ntuples) with quantities that are relevant to extracting weights and studying trigger primitives.

To start, we setup a second CMSSW release (assuming working on LPC) and pull in some customized code:

cd $HOME/nobackup/HCAL_Trigger_Study/cmssw

mkdir puSub
cd puSub

cmsrel CMSSW_11_0_2
cd CMSSW_11_0_2/src

scram b -j 4

git cms-merge-topic --unsafe JHiltbrand:110X_hcalPUSub_dev
git clone Debug/HcalDebug

cd Debug/HcalDebug
git remote add jchDebug
git fetch jchDebug
git checkout -b 110X_hcalPUSub_dev --track jchDebug/110X_hcalPUSub_dev
cd ../..

# We also need to checkout packages dependent on HcalTrigPrimDigi classes
# Also checkout CaloTPG since we make changes in coder
git cms-addpkg EventFilter/HcalRawToDigi
git cms-addpkg CalibCalorimetry/CaloTPG

scram b -j 4

3.1 Ntuples for Deriving Weights

For making ntuples to be used for weights extraction it is important to turn off pulse containment correction in CalibCalorimetry/HcalTPGAlgos/src/ by commenting out the line and this line:

containmentCorrection = containmentCorrection2TSCorrected;


if ((contain1TSHB_ and cell.ietaAbs() <= topo_->lastHBRing()) or (contain1TSHE_ and cell.ietaAbs() > topo_->lastHBRing())) containmentCorrection = containmentCorrection1TS;

then recompile again.

Once these steps are completed one can process some RAW files and make ntuples for extracting pulse filter weights or studying trigger primitives.

3.2 Generating HCAL Ntuples Locally

We can make ntuples by running cmsRun locally using the configuration file. An example of doing this would be:

cd $HOME/nobackup/HCAL_Trigger_Study/scripts

cmsRun FunName PFA2 Data
cmsRun FunName PFA2 NOPU
  • Here the argument PFA2 is scheme that we would like to use when making trigger primitives.
  • The argument FunName will be used to give the output ntuple file a unique name, in this case hcalNtuple_FunName.root.
  • The Data or NOPU argument is parsed by the script and used to determine which files will be run on based on and if-statement in the script (put in by hand). This if-statement is intended to be modified in order to run over a given set of files.

3.3 Batch Generation of Ntuples

The other way of generating ntuples is to submit jobs to LPC condor or CRAB. This is most pertinent when running over entire datasets with many RAW files. Submitting to either condor or CRAB is acheived with the script. A host of command line options are available:

--tag        = A unique tag to keep the output organized in a unique folder.
--mean       = Make ntuples using mean version of weights.
--depth      = Make ntuples using depth averaged version of weights.
--dataset    = A DAS-friendly path to a dataset.
--updown     = Make ntuples with the up/down variation of the specified weights.
--scheme     = The filter scheme to be used for TP reconstruction.
--crab       = Submit jobs to CRAB.
--era        = Which era was the dataset created.
--data       = Are we running on data?
--lumiMask   = When submitting to CRAB... a json file for running on certain runs/lumis
--globalTag  = The global tag to be used for reconstruction
--lumiSplit  = When submitting to condor... should jobs be split by lumi chunks?
--copyLocal  = When submitting to condor... should the RAW/AOD files be copied to worker node.
--filelist   = When submitting to condor... a list of DAS-friendly paths to files to be run over.
--run        = When submitting to condor... which run is being run over?
--needParent = When wanting to run on RAW + AOD for RECO information.
--noSubmit   = Don't submit to condor/CRAB

Thus, for example, to generate ntuples when reconstructing with the PFA1p with the per-ieta weights (including RECO information) one could submit to condor a la:

python \
    --tag 20200527 \
    --dataset /IsolatedBunch/Run2018D-12Nov2019_UL2018-v1/AOD \
    --scheme PFA1p_PER_IETA \
    --era Run2_2018 \
    --data \
    --globalTag 110X_dataRun2_v12 \

In this case, the output ROOT files with the HCAL ntuples will be placed at:


An equivalent form for submitting to CRAB would be:

python \
    --crab \
    --tag 20200527 \
    --dataset /IsolatedBunch/Run2018D-12Nov2019_UL2018-v1/AOD \
    --scheme PFA1p_PER_IETA \
    --era Run2_2018 \
    --data \
    --globalTag 110X_dataRun2_v12 \

Here, the is referenced and contains some of the options that had to be passed manually when submitting to condor. The output files will be delivered to:


3.4 Making an Event Map

When we produce ntuple files using no pileup and out-of-time pileup DIGI-RAW files (for weights extraction), although all the same events are present in each, the events are not necessarily in the same order. To help speedup looping over the events tree while extracting weights, one needs to generate an event map that maps an event record in the OOT PU file to the same event record in the NOPU file. This is done by running A call such as:

python --oot

will generate a python file with a python dictionary called PU2NOPUMAP. Copy this dictionary into the script.

4. Extracting Pulse Filter Weights

Weight extraction is done by the script in the extraction subfolder. The script is run in two successive executions. The first execution is intended for looping over the events in the HCAL ntuple files and extracts raw weights and writes raw histograms to a cache file. Then the script is run again to process the cache for making final plots and text files. This allows trivial plotting changes to be done quickly without having to loop over all the events again. Several commandline options can be specified and are documented below:

--tag       = A unique tag to keep the output organized in its own folder.
--data      = Are we running on data?
--fromCache = Read back in cache file for making final plots and txt files (second step).
--pu        = Path to pileup file
--nopu      = Path to no pileup file
--depth     = Toggle if extracting weights per-depth
--scheme    = Specify which pulse filter to extract weights for (PFA1p, PFA1pp, PFA2p, PFA2pp)
--evtRange  = First element is starting event to process and second element is number of events to process.

An example call of the script to extract no-depth weights for PFA1p, running over 100 events and starting at event 527 (in the OOT pileup file) would be:

python scripts/
    --pu   root://${USERNAME}/some/path/to/pufile.root \
    --nopu root://${USERNAME}/some/path/to/nopufile.root \
    --scheme PFA1p \
    --tag WithDepth_TTbar_OOT \
    --evtRange 527 100

This will make an output file in the current working directory called histoCache_527.root.

4.1 Submitting Jobs to LPC Condor

A condor submission script, is provided to submit jobs and speed up the extraction of weights when running on an entire input file or multiple files. Arguments to the submission script are very similar to

--tag       = A unique tag to keep the output organized in its own folder.
--data      = Are we running on data?
--fileList  = Path to directory of files to run over
--pu        = Path to pileup file
--nopu      = Path to no pileup file
--depth     = Toggle if extracting weights per-depth
--scheme    = Specify which pulse filter to extract weights for (PFA1p, PFA1pp, PFA2p, PFA2pp)
--nJobs     = How many jobs to run when processing a single pu/nopu file pair
--noSubmit  = Do not submit jobs to the cluster

An example call to this script to extract weights for a single pu/nopu file pair would be:

python scripts/extraction/ \
    --pu   root://${USERNAME}/some/path/to/pufile.root \
    --nopu root://${USERNAME}/some/path/to/nopufile.root \
    --scheme PFA1p \
    --tag NoDepth_TTbar_OOT \
    --nJobs 30

An example call to this script to extract weights in data (for a list of files) would be:

python scripts/extraction/ \
    --filesPath /eos/uscms/store/user/${USERNAME}/path/to/ntuples \
    --scheme PFA1p \
    --tag NoDepth_TTbar_OOT

The output files will be placed in the directory ${HOME}/nobackup/HCAL_Trigger_Study/plots/Weights/PFA1p/NoDepth_TTbar_OOT/root and one needs to hadd these files to make a single histoCache.root file.

Finally, the can be run locally on the cache file to make final plots and things. For example:

python scripts/extraction/ \
    --fromCache \
    --scheme PFA1p \
    --tag NoDepth_TTbar_OOT

This will put output plots in ${HOME}/nobackup/HCAL_Trigger_Study/plots/Weights/PFA1p/NoDepth_TTbar_OOT/{Fits,PulseShapes,weightSummary*.txt}

5. Applying the Weights and Generating New Ntuples

When extracting weights for a pulse filter scheme will produce a weightSummary(Mean/Fit) file that will have the weights formatted in the correct format to be used by the trigger primitive reconstruction algorithm in CMSSW. To use these weights, copy them into the file---into the pfaWeightsMap---in the scripts folder. This script gets used anytime cmsRun is run. Whatever key names are provided in the pfaWeightsMap dictionary can be used on the command line when running (see above section).


A repository of scripts for extracting pulse filter weights and applying the weights.






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