pip install ultralytics==8.2.18
pip install mediapipe==0.10.11
# pip install decord
mkdir checkpoints
wget -O checkpoints/hand_landmarker.task -q https://storage.googleapis.com/mediapipe-models/hand_landmarker/hand_landmarker/float16/1/hand_landmarker.task
wget -O checkpoints/pose_landmarker_full.task -q https://storage.googleapis.com/mediapipe-models/pose_landmarker/pose_landmarker_full/float16/latest/pose_landmarker_full.task
wget -O checkpoints/face_landmarker.task -q https://storage.googleapis.com/mediapipe-models/face_landmarker/face_landmarker/float16/latest/face_landmarker.task
- input: folder with clips
- output: spatial cropped clip with size (512, 512) and predicted keypoints in json file with same name as clip
- crop is created based on sign space around the person
- if input clip is not square, shorter side will be padded with (114,114,114) color
- clips without predictions or multiple predictions are skipped
- script can run in parallel, each process can access its own index file or select index files randomly
Prepare index files in advance (not necessary).
from pose_prediction_parallel import create_index_files
clip_folder = ""
index_folder = ""
num_index_files = 100
create_index_files(clip_folder, index_folder, num_index_files)
Run multiple parallel jobs. If index files does not exist, first job will crete them.
If index_file_id
is not specified, clips will be processed randomly.
# create 100 index files and process fill index_file_000
# additional processes can be run in parallel with different index_file_id
python pose_prediction_parallel.py \
--input_folder data/clips \
--output_folder data/cropped_clips \
--tmp_folder data/tmp_clips \
--num_index_files 100 \
--index_path data/index_files \
--index_file_id 0 \
--checkpoint_folder checkpoints \
--sign_space 4 \
--yolo_sign_space 4
Parallel jobs can be run as array job PBS example:
#PBS -J 0-9
python pose_prediction_parallel.py \
--index_file_id "$PBS_ARRAY_INDEX"
# ...
- Converts features from json files into h5
- Structure of the h5:
{"video_name_00": {clip_name_00: features_00_00, clip_name_01: features_00_01, ...}, ...}
- Shape of the features:
number of frames
xembedding dimension
- Face keypoints are reduced (see
data/h2s.py -> How2SignDatasetJSON.face_landmarks
) - Keypoint prediction scripts does not save leg keypoints
- Keypoints are normalized before saving:
- global-pose_landmarks
- local-right_hand_landmarks
- local-left_hand_landmarks
- local-face_landmarks
- Local normalization: moves keypoints to origin adds square padding and normalizes the values in local space -> captures local shape, independent of position in space and scale
- Global normalization: keypoints are normalized in relation to signing space -> captures absolute position and relation between parts
- If the name of the clips is not in the format:
annotation file with columnsSENTENCE_NAME
should be provided
python create_keypoint_features.py \
--input_folder data/cropped_clips
--output_folder data/features
--dataset_name h2s \
--split_name train \
--annotation_file data\how2sign_realigned_train.csv # only if the name is in bad format
-> KeypointDatasetJSON
- Load and normalize keypoints from json files
- List of clip keypoints for one video
# output example
'data': np.empty([n_frames_00, 208]),
'video_name': 'video_name_00',
'clip_name': 'clip_name_00'
'data': np.empty([n_frames_01, 208]),
'video_name': 'video_name_00',
'clip_name': 'clip_name_01'
- Prediction script for demo
from predict_pose import predict_pose, create_mediapipe_models#
# load models:
# hand_landmarker.task
# pose_landmarker_full.task
# face_landmarker.task
checkpoint_folder = ""
models = create_mediapipe_models(checkpoint_folder)
# predict
video = []
prediction = predict_pose(video, models, sign_space=4, yolo_sign_space=4)