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Smrti Quant Alerts

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This repo includes several real-time alerts for crypto/stock trading, built with CoinGecko, Binance, EODHD, and Financial Modeling Prep APIs. Alerts are sent to Telegram groups/channels.


  • Contact telegram user @zaozen_quant to get a trial of all the alerts for 1 month.
    • You don't need to set up anything, just join the telegram group/channel and you will receive alerts.
    • If you like the alerts, I can help you set up your own alerts.

Next Steps

  • Improve test coverage. [In Progress]
  • Write examples for each alert.
  • Enhance documentation.
  • Setup Docker.
  • Add a gui for setting up/running alerts.

Get Started and Documentation





Clean Up



  1. Change your API KEY and your Telegram Group ids in token.json
  1. Run ./scripts/ <alert_name> alert_names are set in configs.json.
  1. Available alert_type: market_cap, price_volume, sequential, alts, alert_100, alert_300, alert_500, funding_rate, meme_alert, stock_alert


  1. python scripts to run those alerts are in
  1. alerts are defined in alerts/, and will be sent to telegram groups/channels defined in token.json
  1. stock_crypto_api/ defines interactions with stock/crypto apis
  1. exception/ defines error handling functions and telegram_api/ implements a simplified message queue for telegram bot to accommodate the rate limit of telegram bot api
  1. coin: CoingeckoCoin. exchange: BinanceExchange. stock: StockSymbol. All are defined in data_type/
  1. alerts are set to run daily/bi-hourly/hourly/quarter-hourly, frequencies and timezones are defined in the configs.json

Alert Type Description

  • market_cap: alerts/ a daily report of newly deleted and newly added top 100/200/300/400/500 market cap coins.
  • price_volume: alerts/ real-time alerts for coins with large price and volume changes in 15min/1h timeframe.
  • alts: alerts/ daily report of top 500-3000 market cap alts coin with 24H price and volume increase both larger than 50%.
  • alert_100, alert_300, alert_500: alerts/ daily report of top 100/300/500 market cap coins/exchanges with spot price over 4H SMA200.
  • sequential: sequentially execute alert_100, alert_300, alert_500.
  • funding_rate: alerts/ bi-hourly alerts for future exchanges with funding rate larger than +-0.2%.
  • meme_alert: alerts/ daily report of all coins/exchanges on coingecko/binance with daily volume over 3 million USD and with spot price over 1H SMA200.
  • stock_alert: alerts/ daily report of top 20 SP500 and Nasdaq 100 stocks with highest daily price change.
  • price_increase: alerts/ daily report of top [start, end] market cap coins with the highest price increase percentage in a give timeframe.

More on price_volume alert

  • Tracking all spot exchanges on Binance, and automatically add new exchanges to the alert list.
  • Contains 4 alerts to four different telegram groups/channels: price_alert_15min, price_alert_1h, volume_alert_1h, volume_alert_15min.
  • Setting thresholds defined in settings.json.
  • price_alert_15min: alert for coins with price change larger than 15m_price_change_percentage in 15min timeframe.
  • price_alert_1h: alert for coins with price change larger than 1h_price_change_percentage in 1h timeframe.
  • volume_alert_15min: alert for coins over amount threshold 15m_volume_usd in USD:
    • if second bar is 10X first bar and third bar is 10X first bar
    • if second bar is 50X first bar
    • if third bar is 50X first bar
  • volume_alert_1h: alert for coins over amount threshold 1h_volume_usd in USD:
    • if second bar is 10X first bar
  • Every sub alert has a daily counter and monthly counter, which will be reset to 0 at 00:00 UTC everyday and every month.

More on alert_100/300/500, sequential, meme_alert alert

  • In the telegram group/channel, the alert contain 3 parts:
    • Coins/exchanges with spot price over SMA 200
    • Coins/exchanges newly added this time compared to last time
    • Coins/exchanges newly deleted this time compared to last time
    • Counts of each captured coin/exchange for how many times it has been sequentially captured

Donate / Sponsor

I develop and maintain these alerts on my own in my spare time. Donations are greatly appreciated.

  • Web3 Address: 0xbe7E9903cE3E4A0e717d2F71EBd8d4A4576B91D5


  • Star/Watch/Fork this repository.