the following document is informal (and outdated!) language design notes. I will write a real readme when I have the interpreter working.
golflang similar to golfscript, but infix. main inspirations GS and Japt
~op = {U op V}
~pf = {U pf}
1 + + + + 2
1 +U+U+U+ 2
"Hello" + X
Primality test (8)
FizzBuzz (30):
Esolang commenter (36):
S=/'|;%{' *Z++' *(S*""sz+1-Z+=sz)+V}
Swap every two (9)
Quine (11)
# alternatives:
Custom functions:
ADD_TWO = {+2}
# multiple args
SUM = {U + V + W + UU + UV + UW + VU + …}
SUM = {N / ~+}
U | first argument |
V | second argument |
W | third argument |
N | argument list |
+ | add / append |
- | subtract / prepend |
* | multiply / join / repeat / group by |
/ | divide / split / fold / n equal chunks |
` | filter |
\ | reduced fraction pair |
^ | power / a in b? / sort by |
% | mod / map / chunks of size n |
<> eq | comparison |
& | | and / or |
rv | reverse |
ch | chr / ord |
uq | uniquify |
I | identity |
ty | type “a” “s” “c” “n” “f” |
ta | coerce to array |
ts | coerce to string |
tn | coerce to number |
tc | coerce to character |
tf | coerce to function |
tr | transliterate |
js | json stringify |
jp | json parse |
! | not |
sz | size (length) |
p | |
, | range [a, b) |
. | pair [a, b] |
N | newline |
L | 100 |
S | space |
X | last value |
Z | zero |
the expressions are made of “terms” separated by “+” or “-“ or “|” or “&” or "eq" or “<“ or “>” or “?” with the next separator being “:”
terms are made of primaries, separated by infix operators, followed by 0 or more postfix ops.
primaries are literals, parenthesized expressions, variable references, and assignments. if no valid primary is read, the implicit primary is U
EBNF grammar:
program = expression, { ";", [ expression ] };
expression = term, { (term separator, term) | ("?", term, ":", term) };
term = primary, { postfix operator | (binary operator, primary) };
primary = [ assignment | variable reference | parenthesized | literal ];
assignment = variable name, [ non variable ], "=", expression;
check if a word is a function or variable by checking if it’s either in the list of built-ins or if there is a ~