It is Fantastic Cafe website. It is implemented based on requirement.docx
git clone
in Git Bash to download all files.
It is written in react, redux-toolkit for state management, material UI as CSS framework, agGrid as table component. It mainly has four pages.
- /cafes: It renders all available cafes in a table. A button to add new cafe.
- /edit-cafe: It renders a form for user to create/edit a cafe information with basic validation.
- /employees: It renders all employees working in cafes in a table. A button to add new employee. (/employees?cafe_id=<cafe_id>: It filter employee by cafe_id)
- /edit-employee: It renders a form for user to create/edit an employee information with basic validation.
If first time running, run
npm install
in /frontend folder to install packages
Start frontend server by running
npm start
in /frontend folder
Open http://localhost:3000 (automatically) to view UI in your browser.
It is written in Nodejs (Expressjs), SQLite. It implements RESTful API for the frontend.
- employees: GET /employees, GET /employees?cafe=<cafe_name>, POST /employees, PUT /employees, DELETE /employees:id
- cafes: GET /cafes, GET /cafes?location=, POST /cafes, PUT /cafes, DELETE /cafes:id
If first time running, run
npm install
in /backend folder to install packages
Start backend server by running
npm start
in /backend folder
BaseURL: http://localhost:5000 to test APIs it in your browser or postman.
Data is stored in /backend/db/cafe_project.db file. You can use cafe_project.db.sql to restore original data using tool like "DB Browser (SQLite)"
Two tables: They are linked with "cafe_id". One employee work for one cafe, one cafe has multiple employees.
- cafes
"cafe_id" VARCHAR,
"cafe_name" VARCHAR,
"description" VARCHAR,
"location" VARCHAR,
"logo" VARCHAR
INSERT INTO "cafes" ("cafe_id","cafe_name","description","location","logo") VALUES ('cbc738e4-1b41-45ae-9685-dac72c1e69f6','Cafe JE','Best coffee at West!','Jurong East','4.jpg'),
('0829a4f1-02cc-40bc-89cc-0b46995ae46e','Cafe Eunos','Best coffee at East!','Eunos','3.jpg'),
('0213d17a-a84d-4384-917e-316f62ab0a21','CafeChangi','Best coffee near the Changi airport!','Changi','changi.jpg'),
('fcb55957-74c0-4910-9b7a-cb776d8343e9','CafeEunos2','Yet another good coffee near Eunos!','Eunos','cafe-eunos-2.jpg');
- employees
"employee_id" VARCHAR,
"name" VARCHAR,
"gender" VARCHAR,
"email" VARCHAR,
"phone" VARCHAR,
"join_date" DATE,
"cafe_id" VARCHAR
INSERT INTO "employees" ("employee_id","name","gender","email","phone","join_date","cafe_id") VALUES ('UI6828835','Jacob12138','Male','','90870139','2022-11-10','0829a4f1-02cc-40bc-89cc-0b46995ae46e'),
('UI5070593','XIE YUAN','Male','','99988867','2023-09-02','0213d17a-a84d-4384-917e-316f62ab0a21'),
- Install docker desktop.
Run docker version
to verify installation
- Build and run the Docker containers.
Navigate to the root directory of your project (where the docker-compose.yml file is located).
Run the following command to build and run the Docker containers:
docker-compose up --build
Docker Compose will read the docker-compose.yml file, build the Docker images based on the Dockerfiles, and create and start the containers.
You should see the output from the frontend and backend containers in the terminal.
- Access the applications.
The React frontend should be accessible at http://localhost:3000. The Node.js backend should be accessible at http://localhost:5000.