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Jadon Wade edited this page Feb 1, 2020 · 3 revisions

This is an Extras/ feature added in version 1.1 of Rational Resources. It makes use of one of the two unused decks of the stock science lab and adds to any mod part that contains a science converter module. The blacksmith serves as a small-scale, specialized factory meant for servicing certain parts (primarily: restoring resources on reusable parts which hold non-transferable resources).

The Blacksmith produces two resources:

  • RRWork which simulates work performed on EVA while the facility is running. In the case of Ablator, the kerbals apply fresh material to the heatshield via transfer and application equipment (hoses and spray guns?) that are made to practical to use yet somehow sufficiently resistant to the heat of molten substances. The heatshield consumes the work resource along with other necessary resources to be refilled with Ablator.
  • ThermalPower which simulates the usable energy produced by the furnace. Not all parts with non-transferable resources will require ThermalPower, and in later updates to Rational Resources, parts may demand ThermalPower for their own unique use cases.

The Blacksmith requires at least one kerbal in the vessel (not necessarily the lab) with the Failure Repair skill (engineer by default). If no such engineer is present, the facility will perform poorly just like the Convert-O-Tron will perform poorly when there is no kerbal with the Converter skill.

Upgrade Path

Tier Equipment factor Inputs Outputs Tech Node
1 1 30 EC/s 0.4 Work/s + 0.3 ThermalPower/s n/a
2 3 40 EC/s 1.2 Work/s + 0.6 ThermalPower/s Advanced Metal Works
3 9 50 EC/s 3.6 Work/s + 1.8 ThermalPower/s Nanolathing

One of a higher level facility matches three of a lower level facility. Keeping lower level facilities isn't obviously disadvantageous, however, the advantages to leveling up are: input energy efficiency for the same amount of RRWork output, and decreased spool time. The core heat thermal flux curve changes as part of the upgrades. This is made possible through B9 Part Switch.

The Blacksmith uses the Core Heat module for the effect of preheating an oven for use in baking, giving more substance to facility upgrades and adding more roleplay value, but it is also configured to not overheat and will not demand radiators once it reaches optimal core temperature... Unless, well, it somehow needs to run for several days in-game and trickles out enough heat to become a problem.


Screenshots are a bit outdated.

In-flight test of refilling Ablator. Refill Ablator in flight

Upgrade options. Unlockables, not allowed to switch in flight. The lab part must be replaced to apply it so be careful where it's attached in your vessel if you plan to use this feature and upgrade it. Upgrade-able facility


"Clients" in this context refers to drafted or current use cases for parts that hold non-transferable resources and will benefit from using the RRWork resource, and for parts that can otherwise be used with Blacksmith to add gameplay value:

  • Heatshields: Refilling Ablator. This occurs at a very slow pace.
  • Nuclear reactors: Refilling nuclear fuel and possibly but much less likely, removing nuclear waste. This would happen at a fast pace. Unfortunately this seems like it could get messy very fast without a plugin so it may not happen.
  • Solid rockets: Refilling devices that use SolidFuel. While there are players who manage some form of SRB re-usability program, it is beyond me if and how they can reuse an SRB as an engine when an SRB cannot be shutdown.
  • Thermo-electrics: Expecting that the ThermalPower supply will largely go unused once an operation that needed it is finished, parts may happen that can sip on the remaining power and produce much more total ElectricCharge than was invested to prime the Blacksmith furnace.
  • Untitled: Expecting parts that may consume pseudo or interim "chemicals" produced along with Work.
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