This repository contains a text file with the original data from "La Population Des Villes Europeennes" (Bairoch, Batou, Chevre 1988). Their data covers European cities by century from 800 to 1850. Note: the original source omits the year 1100 due to lack of information.
Author(s): Paul Bairoch, Jean Batou, Pierre Chevre
Contributor: Jacob W. Russ
License: Any and all copyright to this data belongs to Bairoch, Batou, and
Chevre. As a contributor I am simply releasing my manual entry of their data
bank for others to use freely. Do whatever you want with the data but please
attribute accordingly.
Purpose: This repository exists to be an
input into the production
processes of other scholars. Open data as a
public good.
If you spot an error please bring it to my attention here and I will correct it. I also encourage pull requests.