This application is meant to help create and visualize a team of six Pokemon. You can use it for fun or use it to help pick your dream team for playing one of the Pokemon games!
- Selectable player icons featuring old heros in the Pokemon games!
- Name your team! -- Don't like that name? Rename it!
- Pick a cool background! --All themes have been checked with Spectrum to ensure application visibility with multiple variations of color-blindness.
- Input your dream Pokemon into the field and watch them appear in your team! --Spelling matters. Capitalization and punctuations don't.
- Your Pokemon's name, image, and stats are visible immediately.
- You can change the form of your Pokemon! --Galarian? Mega? Unown X? If the Pokemon has it, it's there.
- Natures affect stats! Pick a nature and see what it does.
- Reads and parses from an external file and displays data.
- Retrieves data from PokeAPI via fetch and AJAX.
- Multiple Arrays and Objects that are populated with multiple values, retrieved, and use or displayed.
- Visualized data in a graph form for Pokemon Stats.
- Created and used a function that accepts mulitple parameters, calculates a new value based on those inputs, and returns a new value.
Enter "Gengar" as a Pokemon choice.
- Gengar demonstrates both Mega-Evolution and Gigantamax form changes.
Enter "Unown" as a Pokemon choice.
- Unown has multiple different forms that do not affect stats but do change appearance.
Enter "Meowth" as a Pokemon choice.
- Meowth has an Alolan form and a Galarian form. These forms affect stats and type.
Enter "Mew" as a Pokemon
- Mew's base-stats are 100 across the board. Mew is a great demonstration for stat changes based on a selected Pokemon Nature.
- The PokeAPI! This project would not be possible without their incredible public API --
- Code Louisville
- Advice/QA: Michael Wrock, Izzak Prats, Ashley Needy, Jacob Kastensmidt, Bradley Cypert, and Drew Walker.
- Pokemon is a trademark of Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures Inc.
- This application is not intended to make a profit or generate revenue.
- I wrote the code in this application but I do not own the rights to Pokemon.
- Load Times are a little sluggish.