Simple book catalog app with an admin panel created with Spring MySQL Bootstrap
Project is created with:
- Java 8
- Spring (Boot, MVC, Security, Data)
- Lombok
- Thymeleaf
- Bootstrap 4
- JavaScript
- Mockito
- After you clone the project open it with you favorite IDE (I work with Intellij)
- Create a database schema in your MySQL Workbench
- Go to
- Change spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/YOURSCHEMANAME?useSSL=false
- Set up spring.datasource.username=LOGIN
- Set up spring.datasource.password=PASSWORD
- Change spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto to create
- Remove # form spring.datasource.initialization-mode=always
- Run application
- Main Page
- Every user have his own bookmark
- You can search book by title
- You can search book by category
- After login (USER) you can
- Add book to bookmark
- Delete book from bookmark
- Admin Panel
- Dashboard
- Display number of current books, user, categories
- Display only five new users in table
- You can add new book, category, user
- Books
- Search book by title
- Update/Delete book
- Categories
- Search category by description
- Update/Delete book
- Display books assigned to categories
- Users
- Search user by first name or last name
- Update/Delete user
- Unactive user
- Change role
- Dashboard
You can try the application live here:
Please note that this is a free version of the database and the disk space is only 5 MB
login: root@localhost
password: admin123
Project is: in progress
- I still have to work on the responsiveness of the site, it is terribly bad :)
Security Application inspired by Gustavo Ponce
Admin Panel inspired by Brad Traversy
Created by JakubWylezek - feel free to contact me!