This project is dormant (reasons).
Issues have been closed as there will be no further progress on them. Feel free to fork the repo and take over maintenance.
This is the Sandstorm package of the KeePass web app (unofficial) which has been build by antelle.
The package is done with vagrant-spk, a tool designed to help app developers package apps for Sandstorm.
You can follow the following steps to make your own package or to contribute.
You will need to install:
- Vagrant
- VirtualBox
- Git
git clone
git clone
export PATH=$(pwd)/vagrant-spk:$PATH
cd keeweb-sandstorm
vagrant-spk vm up
vagrant-spk dev
Visit in a browser.
Note: when you want to fork this repo and create actual app packages for the app store you would need either the original app key from me or create a new one and make your own app.