This version is based on the original version of J. R. Taylor (cf. DIABLO2.0 ReadMe) It includes updated FFTW and pHDF5 libraries, and uses the new MPI directives for shared-distributed allocated memory.
- Create a new run directory
- Copy the grid* and input* from an example in /setups and edit them as desired
- Run /proc/init/create_grid.m MATLAB script to generate a grid.h5 file
- Modify the subroutines "create_flow" and "create_th" in /for/flow.f90 (or use one of the pre-defined IC_Types) to define the desired ICs
- Run >> /for/setup_run ${NprocVertical} ${NprocHorizontal} -- This will create an executable called “diablo” in your run directory with the prescribed processor domain decomposition.
- Run the code from inside the run directory. For example, if using MPI, you could do “mpirun -np N ./diablo >output.dat &” which will run a job in the background and write the output to the file output.dat
- Some post processing routines can be found in the /proc directory along with descriptions on their use.
- Requires FFTW v3.3+
- Requires parallel HDF5 v1.12+