The use case of this project is to count the number of visitors who are heading in or out in a particular store/ building/ shopping mall/ class room in real-time using Raspberry Pi Model B3.
This project is done as the final IoT project for "Iot Apllication System Class"(Professor: Vijay Kakani) by the 'GiGa' team consisted of 4 undergraduate students majoring in ISE(Integrated System Engineering) department. (Fall semester in 2022).
SSD detector:
- We used a SSD (Single Shot Detector) with a MobileNet architecture in the project. Generally, it only takes a single shot to detect whatever is in an image.
- Compared to other 2 shot detectors such as R-CNN, SSD is quite fast.
- For more info: ''' SSD paper: MobileNet paper: '''
** Centroid tracker: **
- Centroid tracker is one of the most reliable trackers out there.
- Then a unique ID is assigned to every particular object deteced, for tracking over the sequence of frames.
- For more info: ''' '''
- First of all, install OpenCV-Python Environment in Raspberry Pi:(Usually takes around 3-4 hours.) ''' '''
-Install all the required Python dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
-Highly advised to install dependencies in python virtual Environment: -more on : ''''''
-To run the code in real-time video , use the following command:
python --prototxt mobilenet_ssd/MobileNetSSD_deploy.prototxt --model mobilenet_ssd/MobileNetSSD_deploy.caffemodel
(works with both raspberry pi camera oo usb camera connected to raspberry pi.
- sender's email address and password is changed in "mylib/" and receiver's email address can be changed in "my_lib/" easily.
- Automatic scheduler to start the software. Configure to run at every second, minute, day, or Monday to Friday.
- All you have to do is set your desired time and run the script. (inside
-saves all the date in ".csv" format in "mylib/log.csv" after the program ended.
- using Twilio API
- Mainly this project was actually motivated from: """ """
- which was motivated from: """ """