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Vehicle is a cool computer game, free software (GNU General Public License v3.0), created with Godot Engine ( and programmed by Janosch Lion.

If you run into an issue, you can report it on GitHub.

Thanks to:

  • Superwaitsum for the GDSerialAsset repository with a compiled version of the GDSercomm library - without this library you cant steering with serial ports.

  • Dreapon for the Spatial Gardener Godot addon - without this plugin no trees existing.

  • RedHaloStudio for the Sketchup Importer Blender addon - without this addon the SketchUp world was gray.

  • Samuel Weywara for the Mini Snowplow car.

Vehicle contain files from:

License information

Vehicle is a car driving computer game, that is created with Godot Engine.
Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Janosch Lion

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.


Version History


What's new

  • More stable mirrors
  • Change view control to option button
  • Add horn
  • Add outlines to helicopter roatation display for better visibility
  • Enable GLES-2 fallback (more compability!)


What's new

  • The old car was renamed to 'Car (Legacy)' and a new car was added ('Car').
  • Fix invalid tile on GridMap World.
  • The clock.
  • Adding 'Power' item to dashboard.
  • Adding 'Brake' LED to dashboard.
  • Changes on 'GridMap World':
    • Bigger World
    • Actualized Map
    • Hills
  • Changes on 'SketchUp World'
  • (For developers) Re-structuring vehicle base.
  • Improve startpage
  • Make port selectable (Includes a new key for user://last_states.json (last_port).).
  • The helicopter.
  • The dump truck.
  • Two new views.


What's new

  • Changes on SketchUp World:
    • The big, big cave under the world (With tunnel).
    • More streets.
    • A new middle-sized mountain (With lake on top).
    • The world are bigger (12x12km)
  • Multiplayer improvement: Synchronizing tipping on dump trucks (res://Scripts/Vehicles/
  • The trees have multiple sizes.
  • Trees in GridMap and Real World.
  • Better mirrors: interacting with velocity.


What's new

  • Crash sound system:
    • Enable and disable it in the settings dialog.
    • If enabled, play sound when collide with other bodies (Vehicles, World, etc.).
    • Set the maximum reported crashs (In the settings dialog too) and find your compromise between comfort and performance.
  • Better message system:
    • See the players ID.
    • Better receiving popup (No unusable GUI, hide with a button, answer...).
  • Changing 'window_state' in user://last_states.json: The values are now maximized, fullscreen and a JSON string with keys size_x, size_y, position_x and position_y, not with keys x and y for size.
  • Error fix: The smoke was adjusted on quad bike.
  • Other keyboard control system:
    • Accelerate:
      • Up
      • Kp 8
    • Accelerate back:
      • Down
      • Kp 2
    • Steer left:
      • Left
      • Kp 4
    • Steer right:
      • Right
      • Kp 6
    • Brake:
      • Space
      • Kp 5
    • Handbrake:
      • Control+Space
      • Kp 0
    • Toggle fullscreen:
      • F11
    • Toggle extra:
      • Control+Enter
    • Toggle mouse mode:
      • Shift+Escape
    • Reset:
      • Control+Home
    • Clear silo things:
      • Control+Delete
    • Exit:
      • Escape


What's new

  • The center view was adjusted on quad bike, tractor and minibus.
  • The silo tiles are now rocks and don't spheres.
  • The messaging system:
    • On sending, choose to who it is (All or one specific player) and type your message.
    • On receiving, see from who it is, to who it is and the messages text.
  • The emitting time from the silos was set from 0.4 to 0.15.
  • A new (the first) silo in the real world (X: -100, Y: 0, Z: 0).


What's new

  • Multiplayer improvement: Joining works again.
  • Silos:
    • Load the emitting tiles on the truck or the large dump truck.
    • Press 'C' to remove all emitted tiles.
  • The position was moved to top right.
  • On top right, the rotation was displayed too.
  • The backside wall on truck.
  • The center view was adjusted on car and truck.
  • Changes on SketchUp World:
    • Two new lakes.
    • Improvements on the big hole bridge.
    • More accurate map (Orthographic view on capturing).
  • 'Mouse' control mode:
    • Steer with moving the mouse to right/left.
    • Accelerate with pressing left button.
    • Brake with pressing middle button.
    • Accelerate back with right button.
  • Press 'Shift + Escape' to toggle mouse mode from visible to captured and vice versa.
  • The map shows now other players too (in blue).


What's new

  • The vehicles have mirrors.
  • A new world (Real World).
  • The startpage was changed:
    • The 'choose world/vehicle' buttons are in scroll containers.
    • The day-night cycle check box to disable/enable it.
    • The version label.
  • Press 'R' to reset position and rotation.
  • The FPS display was moved to top right.
  • The speedometer was moved to dashboard (That's new too.).
  • The handbrake button to control the handbrake from GUI.
  • The multiplayer mode was improved:
    • No fidgeting vehicles, better collisions... Why? In now (additional to position and rotation), steering, engine force and brake updated too.
    • More than two players.
    • The players can choose different vehicles.
    • The players can't choose different worlds.
    • Displaying player names.
  • The WaitPage scene (res://Scenes/WaitPage.tscn).
  • Saving last states in user://last_states.json:
    • window_state:
      • Description: The window state.
      • Values: maximized, fullscreen, size (JSON string)
    • last_typed_name:
      • Description: The last typed name for multiplayer.
      • Value: String
    • last_typed_server_ip:
      • Description: The last typed IP address for multiplayer server.
      • Value: String, must be a valid IP address.
    • last_max_players:
      • Description: The last selected maximum players value for multiplayer.
      • Value: Integer, from 2 to 100


What's new

  • The multiplayer mode.
  • The FPS display.
  • A new startpage.
  • The tractor was improved.
  • Press ESCAPE to exit.


What's new

  • A new Vehicle (Minibus).
  • An improvement on the compass.
  • The steering wheel, for more overview.
  • The handbreak.
  • The fullscreen mode is toggleable (F11).
  • More keyboard steer options:
    • Forward:
      • Up
      • W
      • Kp 8
    • Backward:
      • Down
      • S
      • Kp 2
    • Left:
      • Left
      • A
      • Kp 4
    • Right:
      • Right
      • D
      • Kp 6
    • Brake:
      • Space
      • Kp 5
    • Handbrake:
      • B
      • Kp 0
    • Toggle fullscreen:
      • F11
  • More support for serial controlling.
    • Before, Vehicle reads only the steering value from a serial port (Float, -1 - 1).
    • In this version (and, probably, in later versions), Vehicle reads four numbers from a serial port (With a semicolon (;) as delimiter). The four numbers may refer to: Steering (Float, from -1 - 1); Engine force (Float, from 0 - 1); Backward (0 or 1); Brake (0 or 1).
    • The Arduino code was tested on an Arduino Nano.
  • The X rotation from the vehicle cameras was set from -20 to -10.
  • The FAR from the vehicle cameras was set from 1000 to 10000.
  • The GridMap World is recreated.
  • The day-night cycle.
  • The new light controller.
  • Changes on the world (SketchUp World).
    • More streets on the plateau.
    • A new terrace on the settlement.
    • A very, very big hole with bridge.
    • The street corners are now street curves!
    • A wall around the world.
    • A hill in the roundabout.
    • It's existing trees!
    • The first two leaks.


What's new

  • A new Vehicle (Tractor).
  • The "Settings" button, to set engine force value, brake value, steer limit, steer speed and steer device (Keyboard and all detected serial ports) (The values will be saved to a JSON in the data folder, except the steer device).
  • Serial port steering (Arduino code only tested on Arduino Mega)
  • Changes on the World (SketchUp World).
    • The first settlement (In east).
    • In west a redoubt.
    • In south-west, the plateau.
  • A custom GUI theme.
  • The startup animation is changed.
  • The start page is changed.
  • The bottom bar is removed.
  • A new World (GridMap World).
  • The old world is named to SketchUp World.
  • On start any scene, you see a GUI animation.
  • The Worlds aren't colored, the Worlds are textured!


What's new

  • Changes on the World.
    • Two tunnels and a cave in the big mountain.
    • A little mountain, with one tunnel.
  • The startup animation.
  • The control is changed.
  • The bottom bar.
  • A view was added.

In previous versions you steer so:

  • UP: Forward
  • DOWN: Brake / Backward
  • LEFT: Steer left
  • RIGHT: Steer right

Now you steer so:

  • UP / W: Forward
  • DOWN / S: Back
  • LEFT / A: Steer left
  • RIGHT / D: Steer right
  • SPACE: Brake


The world is coloured!


  • Adding version info to the setup executable.
  • The License dialog will not be shown after a click on OK.
  • The world is bigger (10km x 10km)
  • A compass and a map are added.


Basic functions. The world is very small and only gray.

  • 3 vehicles (Car, Quad bike and Truck).