this is a suite of modules that help you build an autoscaling ecs cluster. This wires up cloudwatch alarms to scale the cluster, and associated containers up and down when required.
example file:
terraform apply -var aws_region=${region} -var app_name=${app} -var environment=${environment} -var
This would be an example file that uses our modules. This creates an alb, ecs cluster, and registers an ecs service in the cluster with the given docker tag.
# This makes a load balancer, no logging
module "alb" {
source = "git::"
# the load balancers name
lb_name = "${var.app_name}"
# what ports should the load balancer forward
lb_port = [80, 443]
# what incoming ips should the load balancer whitelist
lb_cidr_blocks = ['']
public_subnets = ["sg-ids"]
vpc_id = "YOUR VPC ID"
### Optional arguments, to manage route 53"
route53_dns_name = ""
# route53 DNS zone to modify
route53_dns_zone_id = "/hostedzone/123456"
# example of load balancer with logs being exported to S3
module "alb_log" {
source = "git::"
# name of load balancer
lb_name = "${var.app_name}"
# what ports should the load balancer forward
lb_port = [80]
public_subnets = ["sg_ids"]
vpc_id = "YOUR VPC ID"
### Optional arguments, to manage route 53"
route53_dns_name = ""
# route53 DNS zone to modify
route53_dns_zone_id = "/hostedzone/123456"
# optional, destroy bucket if ALB is deleted
destroy_bucket_on_delete = false
# S3 bucket to write logs to
aws_log_bucket = "my-alb-logs"
# This makes an ecs cluster
module "ecs" {
source = "git::"
aws_region = "${var.aws_region}"
# how much disk should a server have in gb
asg_disk_size = 50
# minmum amount of servers a cluster should have
asg_min = "2"
# desired amount of servers a cluster should have, just remember they will scale down so I'd set this to be enough to run twice the amount of containers you are requesting below
asg_desired = "8"
# how big do you want the cluster servers You can lookup ec2 types via google
instance_type = "t2.small"
#max number of servers a cluster should have
asg_max = "100"
cluster_name = "${var.app_name}-${var.environment}"
# the security group we should allow to forward traffic to this cluster. We use the lb's security group
lb_security_group = "${module.alb.lb_security_group}"
vpc_id = "YOUR VPC ID"
private_subnets = ["subnet-ids"]
# scale cluster out on memory %
cluster_memory_scale_out = 70
# scale cluster in on memory %
cluster_memory_scale_in = 20
# scale cluster out on cpu %
cluster_cpu_scale_out = 70
# scale cluster in on cpu %
cluster_cpu_scale_in = 20
# list of instance metrics we'd like to enable, defaults to empty array
asg_metrics = ["GroupTerminatingInstances", "GroupMaxSize", "GroupDesiredCapacity", "GroupPendingInstances", "GroupInServiceInstances", "GroupMinSize", "GroupTotalInstances"]
# This registers a "service" (a set of containers) in the cluster made above with the image tag specified.
module "ecs_service" {
source = "git::"
vpc_id = "YOUR VPCID"
# the port in the container we should forward traffic to
container_port = 80
# the protocol used by health checks
container_protocol = "HTTP"
# the load balancer we should connec to
lb_id = "${module.alb.lb_id}"
# the port we should take traffic from
lb_port = 80
# each sever in the ecs cluster can host multiple containers
# minium amount of containers we should always have
containers_min = "2"
# maximum amount of containers we should always have
containers_max = "1000"
# the amount of containers we would like to have
containers_desired = "4"
# soft limit for container memory in mb
# WARNING: make sure you think about the ratio of cpu:memory to use the hardware effectively. So if you want 25% of a core, make sure you allocate atleast 25% of the memory as well
container_memory_reservation = 500
# hard limit for container memory (containers will be slain if they go over this)
container_memory_hard = 1024
# the cpu units a container can request. 1024 in a core, your server size will determine your avail cores
# containers can go over the limit if resources are avalible
containers_cpu_unit = 256
# container scale out on cpu %
container_cpu_scale_out = 70
# container scale in on cpu %
container_cpu_scale_in = 15
# how many containers should always be around during deploy
deployment_minimum_healthy_percent = "100"
deployment_maximum_percent = "200"
deregistration_delay = "300"
#livecheck path
livecheck_path = "/livecheck"
# how often to check in seconds
livecheck_interval = 10
# how many checks are considered health
livecheck_healthy_threshold = 6
# how many checks failed are considered unhealthy
livecheck_unhealthy_threshold = 2
#docker tag url to ur container
image_tag = "${var.image_tag}"
#which cluster should we attach to
cluster_arn = "${module.ecs.cluster_arn}"
# name of the cluster we should attach to
cluster_name = "${module.ecs.cluster_name}"
#the name of this service
task_name = "${var.app_name}"
#the environment
environment = "${var.environment}"
provider "aws" {
region = "${var.aws_region}"
# aws region
variable "aws_region" {
type = "string"
# the name of your application
variable "app_name" {
type = "string"
#the environment we are deploying to
variable "environment" {
type = "string"
# the docker tag of your container
variable "image_tag" {
type = "string"