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Utility AI GDExtension Nodes

This section describes the nodes, their properties and methods in detail. After each property and method you can find the version tag when the given property/method was introduced or last changed.

This document describes the version 1.6 of Utility AI GDExtension.

Documentation of earlier versions: 1.5, 1.4, 1.3, 1.2



The four node groups - Agent behaviours, Behaviour Tree, State Tree and the Node Query System

There are four main node groups in Utility AI GDExtension: Agent behaviours, Behaviour Tree, State Tree, and the Node Query System (NQS). All are utility-based systems for implementing robust AI systems to your games.

The Agent behaviours, Utility enabled State Tree and Utility enabled Behaviour Tree focus on defining behaviours for AI agents. They answer the question "What is the best behaviour for the current situation?". Use these nodes when you want to choose what an AI should do.

The Node Query System focuses on using utility functions to score and filter any type of Godot nodes. They answer the question "What is the best node for the job?". Use the NQS when you want to choose the best tile to move to, the biggest threat to attack, the best healing item to consume, for example.

Example use cases for nodes

All the AI node types in Utility AI GDExtension can be used to create AI behaviours. However, each type has their strengths which make them better suited for certain use cases.

The Agent Behaviours and the State Tree are higher-level structures that define states or high-level behaviours. They use rules or scoring to select the appropriate state/behaviour, like idle, patrol, attack or flee. State Trees can also be used for any other state management, like menus and other systems.

The Behaviour Tree nodes are best suited for task-oriented and reactive AI behaviour. A behaviour tree is a plan for realizing a specific goal, for example moving to a target position or entering a building. It is easy to build fallback plans using behaviour trees, for example entering a building may be done by first trying to go in through the front door, and if that fails, trying the window instead.

Agent Behaviours and Behaviour Trees are not built with the idea of directly jumping from a node to another. If you have such a need, the you should use a State tree.

A practical way of using these systems together is to use either Agent Behaviours or a State Tree to choose a high-level state. When a state or a behaviour requires more complex logic, use a behaviour tree to realize the logic. This keeps the state management out of the behaviour trees and makes them smaller, and on the other hand allows the Behaviours/States to focus on the "bigger picture" and care less about the details or complexities of how the goal of the Behaviour/State is achieved.

Agent Behaviours

Agent behaviour nodes


This is the main node that is used to manage the UtilityAI. A UtilityAIAgent node represents an AI entity that can reason based in sensor input and then choose behaviours to react to the sensor input based on scores that are calculated with considerations. Behaviours can contain optional actions that allow reuse of action logic.

There are two methods that are used to update the AI Agent:

  • evaluate_options(delta) is used to choose a behaviour
  • update_current_behaviour() is used to step actions of a behaviour

Utility AI systems can be susceptile to oscillation, which means that two or more evaluated options get the highest score and the system ends up switching several times between the options. The current_behaviour_bias property in the AI Agent can be used to add some bias towards the currently selected behaviour, which will decrease the chances of oscillation. In a sense the AI Agent is "more determined" to continue with the currently selected behaviour.


Type Name Description Version
bool is_active This property can be used to include or exlude the node from processing. v1.0
int num_behaviours_to_select Pick a behaviour out of top num_behaviours_to_select behaviours found after reasoning. v1.0
float thinking_delay_in_seconds Delay time forced between calls to the method evaluate_options. v1.0
String top_scoring_behaviour_name This property shows what was the top scoring behaviour after the latest evaluate_options() method call. v1.0
string current_behaviour_name This property shows what was the selected behaviour after the latest evaluate_options() method call. v1.0
int total_evaluate_options_usec This property shows how many microseconds (usec) the latest evaluate_options() method call required to complete. v1.4
float current_behaviour_bias This property can be used to set a bias to the current behaviour score. This can be useful to reduce or eliminate oscillation between Behaviours. The bias gets added after the actual consideration-based score has been calculated. v1.5


Return value Name Description Version
void evaluate_options(float delta) Gathers input from sensors and evaluates all the available behaviours by calculating a score for each of them and then choosing a random behaviour from the top num_behaviours_to_select behaviours. v1.0
void update_current_behaviour() Updates the currently selected behaviour and if the current action has been marked as finished, returns the next action. If no actions are left or no actions have been defined for the current behaviour, ends the behaviour. v1.0
void abort_current_behaviour() Immediately stops the currently selected behaviour and action. Used for stopping behaviours that have Can Be Interrupted property as false. v1.0


Signal Parameters Description Version
behaviour_group_changed behaviour_group_node Emitted when the behaviour group changes during evaluate_options or after a behaviour has completed during the update_current_behaviour call. v1.6
behaviour_group_exited behaviour_group_node Emitted when the behaviour group exits during evaluate_options or after a behaviour has completed during the update_current_behaviour call. v1.6
behaviour_changed behaviour_node Emitted when the behaviour changes during evaluate_options or after a behaviour has completed during the update_current_behaviour call. v1.0
behaviour_exited behaviour_node Emitted when exits during evaluate_options or after a behaviour has completed during the update_current_behaviour call. v1.6
action_changed action_node Emitted when the current action changes during a update_current_behaviour call. v1.0
action_exited action_node Emitted when the current action exits during a update_current_behaviour call. v1.6

UtilityAISensor and UtilityAISensorGroup

These two node types should be added as child nodes of the UtilityAIAgent node. They are used to give input data to consideration nodes. A sensor is used by one or more consideration nodes. A sensor group is a node that can be used to aggregate input from several sensors (or sensor groups) for a higher-level input to the consideration nodes.

Why use sensors in the first place?

Consider the situation where you have several behaviours that use the "IsPlayerClose" consideration and maybe different variations, such as "IsPlayerAboutMidDistanceFromMe" or what ever. With the sensor nodes you can calculate the distance once and set it to a sensor, and then all the various considerations can make use of the distance in a relatively easy way and the distance only needs to be calculated once.

The specialized sensors also have the added benefit that their logic is done on C++ instead of gdscript. This gives them a performance boost compared to writing similar logic in gdscript.


The UtilityAISensor has the following properties:

Type Name Description Version
bool is_active This property can be used to include or exlude the node from processing. Note that even a deactivated sensor can be used as valid input for the Considerations. v1.0
float sensor_value A floating point value in the range of 0..1. v1.0

The UtilityAISensorGroup has the following properties:

Type Name Description Version
bool is_active This property can be used to include or exlude the node from processing. Note that even a deactivated sensor can be used as valid input for the Considerations. v1.0
float sensor_value A floating point value in the range of 0..1. v1.0
float evaluation_method A choice of how the sensors and sensor groups that are childs of the node are aggregated. Can be one of the following: Sum:0,Min:1,Max:2,Mean:3,Multiply:4,FirstNonZero:5. v1.1
bool invert_sensor_value This inverts the group sensor_value by calculating: sensor_value = 1.0 - sensor_value. It is applied after all the child nodes have been evaluated. v1.1



Specialized Sensors

There are also a number of specialized sensors that make it more convinient to use the sensors with certain common input types. They automatically convert the specialized input value to a sensor value in the 0..1 range.


This sensor accepts a boolean value and scales it to 0..1 range.

Type Name Description Version
bool is_active This property can be used to include or exlude the node from processing. v1.0
float sensor_value A floating point value in the range of 0..1. v1.0
bool boolean_value Input value for the sensor. v1.2


UtilityAIAngleVector2Sensor and UtilityAIAngleVector3Sensor

This sensor accepts two vectors, calculates the angle between them and scales it to 0..1 range.

Type Name Description Version
bool is_active This property can be used to include or exlude the node from processing. v1.0
float sensor_value A floating point value in the range of 0..1. v1.0
Vector2/3 from_vector Input value for the sensor. Base value for the angle calculation, for example the direction of an AI entity. v1.2
Vector2/3 to_vector Input value for the sensor. The other vector to compare from-vector to, for example direction to closest enemy entity. v1.2
float max_angle_radian The maximum value for the angle between from and to in radians, this corresponds to 1.0 for the sensor_value. Updates the euler angle automatically. v1.2
float max_angle_euler The maximum value for the angle between from and to in eulers, this corresponds to 1.0 for the sensor_value. Updates the radian angle automatically. v1.2
float min_angle_radian Only for Vector2 - The minimum value for the angle between from and to in radians, this corresponds to 0.0 for the sensor_value. Updates the euler angle automatically. v1.2
float min_angle_euler Only for Vector2 - The minimum value for the angle between from and to in eulers, this corresponds to 0.0 for the sensor_value. Updates the radian angle automatically. v1.2


UtilityAIFloatRangeSensor and UtilityAIIntRangeSensor

This sensor accepts a minimum and maximum value that defines a value range. The input value given is scaled to 0..1 range within the given min and max values.

Type Name Description Version
bool is_active This property can be used to include or exlude the node from processing. v1.0
float sensor_value A floating point value in the range of 0..1. v1.0
float/int range_value Input value for the sensor. v1.2
float/int range_min_value The minimum value for the range. v1.2
float/int range_max_value The maximum value for the range. v1.2


UtilityAIDistanceVector2Sensor and UtilityAIDistanceVector3Sensor

As the name suggests, these are distance sensors. Uses the squared distance when scaling the values to 0..1 range.

Type Name Description Version
bool is_active This property can be used to include or exlude the node from processing. v1.0
float sensor_value A floating point value in the range of 0..1. v1.0
Vector2/3 from_vector The start point of the distance vector. v1.2
Vector2/3 to_vector The end point of the distance vector. v1.2
Vector2/3 from_to_vector Vector obtained by calculating to_vector - from_vector. v1.2
Vector2/3 direction_vector Optionally calculated direction vector. v1.2
float distance Optionally calculated non-squared distance. v1.2
float distance_squared Squared distance. v1.2
bool is_distance_calculated If true, the non-squared distance is calculated. v1.2
bool is_direction_vector_calculated Optionally calculated direction vector. v1.2


UtilityAIArea2DVisibilitySensor and UtilityAIArea3DVisibilitySensor

This sensor is used for visibility queries based on Area3D's. It returns the number of entities seen by the AI Agent and the sensor value is scaled to 0..1 by comparing the number of seen entities to a defined, expected, maximum number.

The sensor will store a list of the found Area3D's that are within the defined visibility volume and a separate list with only those that are not occluded by other geometry.

Type Name Description Version
bool is_active This property can be used to include or exlude the node from processing. v1.0
float sensor_value A floating point value in the range of 0..1. v1.0
Vector2/3 from_vector Input value for the sensor. The location of the AI entity's eyes in global coordinates (global_position). v1.2
NodePath visibility_volume An Area2D/Area3D node defining the visibility volume for the sensor. v1.2
uint32_t collision_mask The collision mask used for occlusion. Usually this is set to match the layers for your level geometry and props. v1.2
int max_expected_entities_found The maximum number of entities expected to be found using the visibility volume. Scales the sensor value. v1.2
int num_entities_found Number of entities found within the visibility volume. If do_occlusion_test is set to true, this will be the number of unoccluded entities within the visibility_volume. v1.2
TypedArray<Area2/3D> intersecting_areas Areas that are within or intersect with the visibility_volume. v1.2
TypedArray squared_distances_to_intersecting_areas Squared distances from the from_vector to an area's global_position within or intersecting with the visibility_volume. v1.2
int closest_intersecting_area_index Index of the closest area to from_vector within the intersecting_areas array. v1.2
TypedArray<Area2/3D> unoccluded_areas Populated if do_occlusion_test is set to true. Areas that are within or intersect with the visibility_volume and that are not blocked by any geometry that is set to the layer(s) defined in collision_mask. v1.2
TypedArray squared_distances_to_unoccluded_areas Squared distances from the from_vector to an area's global_position within or intersecting with the visibility_volume and that are not blocked by any geometry that is set to the layer(s) defined in collision_mask. v1.2
int closest_unoccluded_area_index Index of the closest area to from_vector within the unoccluded_areas array. v1.2
TypedArray occlusion_test_exclusion_list Used during occlusion testing to exclude listed nodes from the raycast collision test. v1.2
bool use_owner_global_position If set, the owner node's global position is used. IMPORTANT! The scene root node must in that case be a node that has the global_position property. v1.3



This node type should be added as child node of the UtilityAIAgent node or the UtilityAIBehaviourGroup, preferably after any sensor and sensor group nodes. There can be several behaviour nodes as childs of the UtilityAIAgent or the UtilityAIBehaviourGroup node.

As you may have guessed from the name, the purpose of the behaviour nodes is to define what the AI agent will do based on different inputs given using the sensor nodes. To accomplish this each behaviour node must have one or more consideration or consideration group nodes as its childs, and also one or more action or action group nodes.

The behaviour node will use the consideration nodes that are its childs to determine a score for itself. Basically it just sums up the scores from the considerations. When the behaviour is chosen by the AI agent as the one to execute, the action nodes are stepped through.

The behaviour has also two "cooldown" properties: cooldown_seconds and cooldown_turns. These can be used to temporarily exclude some behaviours from subsequent AI agent's evaluate_options calls once they have been chosen. The cooldown_seconds is meant to be used with real-time games and the cooldown_turns with turn based games but both can be used even at the same time. The difference in the cooldown countdown is that the cooldown_seconds counts down regardless of how many times the AI agent's evaluate_options method is called, and the cooldown_turns counts down only when the evaluate_options method is called.


The UtilityAIBehaviour has the following properties:

Type Name Description Version
bool is_active This property can be used to include or exlude the node from processing. v1.0
bool can_be_interrupted A boolean value to determine if the behaviour can be interrupted or not. If a behaviour cannot be interrupted, the evaluate_options method of the UtilityAIAgent will not execute until the behaviour has completed all its actions. As of version 1.5 the default value for this property is true. v1.0
float score The score for the behaviour after the behaviour has evaluated its considerations. v1.0
float cooldown_seconds If > 0.0, after the behaviour is chosen it will a score of 0.0 during the evaluate_options until the time has passed. v1.0
int cooldown_turns If > 0, after the behaviour is chosen it will a score of 0 during the evaluate_options until the given number of calls to the evaluation function has been done. v1.0
int behaviour_id A user-definable ID for the behaviour. Useful for identifying which behaviour is currently running. v1.5




Signal Parameters Description Version
behaviour_entered Emitted when the behaviour gets selected during the UtilityAIAgent evaluate_options call. v1.6
behaviour_exited Emitted for the current behaviour when some other behaviour gets selected during the UtilityAIAgent evaluate_options call. v1.6
physics_frame_tick delta Called when the node gets the physics_process tick notification. Can be used to handle behaviour update logic. v1.6
idle_frame_tick delta Called when the node gets the process tick notification. Can be used to handle behaviour update logic. v1.6


The UtilityAIBehaviourGroup node type should be added as child node of the UtilityAIAgent node, preferably after any sensor and sensor group nodes. There can only be one level of child nodes for the Behaviour Groups, which means you cannot have nested Behaviour Group nodes.

The purpose of the behaviour group nodes is to allow logical grouping if behaviours and also to allow group-based activation and deactivation of Behaviour nodes.

The behaviour group node will use the consideration nodes that are its childs to determine a score for itself. If this score is greater or equal to the set activation score or if there are no considerations added to the behaviour group, the child behaviours will be evaluated during the AI Agent's evaluate_options call.

As an example, you can have an enemy AI with the behaviour groups "on foot combat" and "vehicle combat" which contain the relevant behaviours for each group. By default the "on foot combat" would be active and the "vehicle combat" inactive. The "vehicle combat" behaviour group would be set as active when the enemy AI enters a vehicle, adding the vehicle-related behaviours to the enemy AI's list of options.

You can group your behaviours any way you want but it can make sense to do the grouping based on the goal the behaviours will achieve.


The UtilityAIBehaviourGroup has the following properties:

Type Name Description Version
bool is_active This property can be used to include or exlude the node from processing. v1.0
float score The score for the behaviour group after the considerations that are its child nodes have been evaluated. If no consideration nodes have been added as the childs of the Behaviour Group, the score will be 0.0 but the child behaviours of the Behaviour Group will still be evaluated. v1.0
float activation_score The score must be greater or equal to the activation score for the behaviour group to allow for evaluation of the behaviour nodes that are its children. v1.0




Signal Parameters Description Version
behaviour_group_entered Emitted when a behaviour within the behaviour group gets selected during the UtilityAIAgent evaluate_options call. v1.6
behaviour_group_exited Emitted for the current behaviour group when some behaviour in some other behaviour group gets selected during the UtilityAIAgent evaluate_options call. v1.6
physics_frame_tick delta Called when the node gets the physics_process tick notification. Can be used to handle behaviour group related update logic. v1.6
idle_frame_tick delta Called when the node gets the process tick notification. Can be used to handle behaviour group related update logic. v1.6

UtilityAIConsideration and UtilityAIConsiderationGroup

These two node types should be added as child nodes of the UtilityAIBehaviour node. They are used when a behaviour is being scored by the AI agent.

Each consideration node can contain an activation curve that can be defined in the node properties. The activation_input_value property is used as the x-axis value to find the y-value on the activation curve. The y-value is then the resulting score for the consideration. If no curve has been set, the activation_input_value will be used as the consideration score as-is.

If a sensor or a sensor group is used as the input value for a consideration, the activation_input_value for the consideration will be the sensor_value property of the sensor node. Otherwise the value of the consideration's activation_input_value property will be used. In simple terms: sensors are optional, you can use considerations without them if you set the activation_input_value directly in your code.

Consideration groups can be used to aggregate the input from several considerations or consideration groups to create more complex consideration logic. You can nest as many consideration groups as you like, and each consideration group may contain any number and combination of child consideration groups or child considerations.

A custom evaluation method can be defined for the UtilityAIConsideration node by extending the node with a script and defining a method named eval:

func eval() -> void:
    # Your code here. 
    score = 0.0

In your custom eval method you should set the score property to a value between 0 and 1. You can sample the activation_curve using the method sample_activation_curve(double input_value). Also, you can set the has_vetoed property by using your custom function. If has_vetoed property is true, it causes the Behaviour to receive a score of 0.0 and the behaviour immediately ends evaluating other considerations. Note that the has_vetoed property will not be reset back to false automatically, so if you set it to true in your custom evaluation method, you will also need to set it to false when you want the veto-state to end.

If you need to override the _ready() method for your custom consideration, you need to add the initialize_consideration() method call to your _ready() method:

func _ready():
    # Your code here. 

Since version 1.5 the consideration nodes only calculate their score if the input value has been changed, or a custom eval-method has been defined.


The UtilityAIConsideration has the following properties:

Type Name Description Version
bool is_active This property can be used to include or exlude the node from processing. v1.0
float activation_input_value A floating point value in the range of 0..1. v1.0
NodePath input_sensor_node_path A nodepath to a sensor or a sensor group node that will set the activation_input_value. v1.0
Curve activation_curve A godot curve property that defines how the activation_input_value will be translated to a score. v1.0
float score The resulting score for the consideration after evaluation. v1.0
bool has_vetoed If this is set to true, the consideration forces the score to be 0.0 and ends the evaluation immediately. v1.0

The UtilityAIConsiderationGroup has the following properties:

Type Name Description Version
int evaluation_method A choice of how the considerations and consideration groups that are childs of the node are aggregated. Can be one of the following: Sum:0,Min:1,Max:2,Mean:3,Multiply:4,FirstNonZero:5. v1.1
float score The resulting score for the consideration group after evaluation. v1.0
bool has_vetoed If this is set to true, the consideration group forces the score to be 0.0 and ends the evaluation immediately. The consideration group can receive this value from any of the considerations that are its childs. v1.0
bool invert_score This inverts the group score by calculating: score = 1.0 - score. It is applied after all the child nodes have been evaluated. v1.1


The UtilityAIConsideration has the following methods:

Type Name Description Version
void initialize_consideration() If you override the _ready() method, you have to call initialize_consideration() in your _ready() method. v1.1
double sample_activation_curve(double input_value) Use the input_value to get the resulting Y-value for the activation_curve. If no valid curve is set, this method will return 0.0. v1.1

UtilityAIAction and UtilityAIActionGroup

These two node types should be added as child nodes of the UtilityAIBehaviour node. They are used when a behaviour is being executed by the AI agent.

Action groups can be used create sequences of actions, or to pick one random action from several choices. This allows for more complex actions to be performed by a behaviour. You can nest as many action groups as you need, and they can contain any number and combination of actions or action groups.


When the AI agent has chosen a behaviour, the action step function is called to find the first action to execute. The action that is being executed must be set as finished for the AI agent step function to be able to go to the next action. The action logic itself can be implemented anywhere else.


The UtilityAIAction has the following properties:

Type Name Description Version
bool is_active This property can be used to include or exlude the node from processing. v1.0
int action_id A user-definable numeric ID for the action. Provided as an alternative to using action node names for identifying which is the current action the AI agent is currently executing. v1.0
bool is_finished Use this property only to let the AI agent know when the chosen action is finished. The stepper function will immediately set it back to false once it has moved on to the next action. v1.0
bool has_failed Use this property only to let the AI agent know when the chosen action has failed. You will also need to set the is_finished property! The stepper function will immediately set it back to false once it has handled the failed event. v1.3

The UtilityAIActionGroup has the following properties:

Type Name Description Version
bool is_finished Set internally by the stepper, visible only for debugging purposes. v1.0
bool has_failed Use this property only to let the AI agent know when the chosen action has failed. You will also need to set the is_finished property! The stepper function will immediately set it back to false once it has handled the failed event. v1.3
int execution_rule A choice of how the actions that are child nodes are executed: Sequence:0,PickOneAtRandom:1,IfElse:2,CustomRule:3. The Sequence choice will execute the actions from top to bottom, the Pick One At Random does what it says it will, the IfElse rule uses the if_else_boolean_value property to decide if the first or the second child node of the UtilityAIActionGroup will be chosen. Finally, the CustomRule choice allows you to write your own eval method that is responsible for setting the current_action_index property to choose what action should be executed. v1.2
int error_handling_rule A choice of how the has_failed property of the child nodes is handled: EndExecution:0,ContinueExecution:1. v1.2
int current_action_index Exposed for the use with a custom eval method to choose a child action/action group node to execute. v1.2




The UtilityAIAction node has the following signals.

Signal Parameters Description Version
action_entered Emitted when the action gets selected during the UtilityAIAgent update_current_behaviour call. v1.6
action_exited Emitted for the current action when some other action gets selected during the UtilityAIAgent update_current_behaviour call. v1.6
physics_frame_tick delta Called when the node gets the physics_process tick notification. Can be used to handle action update logic. v1.6
idle_frame_tick delta Called when the node gets the process tick notification. Can be used to handle action update logic. v1.6

Utility enabled Behaviour Tree

Behaviour Trees are a commonly used structure that can be used to create artificial intelligence in games for the non-playable characters. A behaviour tree has a root node and under it a tree structure, where the branches of the tree define the behaviour for the AI.

The utility enabled Behaviour Trees in Utility AI GDExtension extend the traditional Behaviour Tree with utility functions. The Behaviour Tree nodes can be used as a regular behaviour tree, but the extended utility features allow you to add utility-based branch selection and execution of the Node Query System queries within your trees.

The Behaviour Tree in Utility AI GDExtension allows you to tick the tree by giving user_data as input. This user_data can be a dictionary that you want to use as the blackboard or the AI actor node itself. Or any other type of Variant. Or just null.

If you are new to behaviour trees, go through the Getting started with Behaviour Trees tutorial.

Why being utility enabled matters

In a traditional behaviour tree the prioritization of branches under a Selector (or commonly also called the Fallback node) is usually done by setting the order of the child nodes so that the highest priority child is first, the next highest priority as second, and so on, with the last node having the lowest priority. While this works for many situations, there are times when more flexible and situation-aware criteria for branch selection is needed.

Consider a situation you may bump in to a game like Fortnite. One of your teammates has been downed and the other team is pinning you down with active fire. You've lost some health and are soon out of ammo. You have many choices in this situation, for instance: revive your teammate, attack the opposing team, heal yourself, pickup your teammate and carry them to safety, find ammo, use some item in your inventory, etc. What you pick depends on things like how far away the opposing team are, how many of them are still fighting, how much health you have, what items you have in your inventory, what kind of gear you have, and the list goes on.

Consider now that you need to build an AI that should be able to handle a similar situation. For traditional behaviour trees the prioritization of the various choices would be static and encoded in the tree using the ordering of the branches and configuration of conditions that either succeed or fail. Concepts like "near", "far", "weak" and "strong" can become quite rigid. With Utility enabled behaviour tree, the various choices can be scored by the afore mentioned metrics (distance, strength, health, quality of weapons, ...) and the choice made more flexibly based on the situation at hand.

Utility enabled Behaviour Tree nodes

Shared properties

All the Behaviour Tree nodes have the following shared properties.

Type Name Description Version
bool is_active This property can be used to include or exlude the node from processing. v1.4
int evaluation_method Used with Utility-based Behaviour Tree nodes. This defines how the UtilityAIConsideration nodes (assigned as child nodes of the behaviour tree node) are evaluated to calculate the score for the node. v1.4
int reset_rule Defines how the Behaviour Tree node is reset. The following choices are possible: "WhenTicked:0,WhenCompleted:1,WhenTickedAfterBeingCompleted:2,Never:3". v1.4
float score The score this node received from the Utility-based evaluation. v1.4
int tick_result Result after the tick. The following choices are possible: "Running:0,Success:1,Failure:-1,Skip:-2". v1.4
int internal status The current internal status of the node, useful for debugging and seeing how the execution progresses. The following choices are possible: "Unticked:0,Ticked:1,Completed:2". v1.4

Shared methods

All the Behaviour Tree nodes have the following shared methods:

Type Name Description Version
void _tick(Variant user_data, float delta) This is the internal behaviour tree tick-method. You can provide any Godot variant type as a parameter (usually a node used as an actor or a dictionary used as a blackboard), along with a delta-time. These parameters are passed to all the child nodes of the behaviour tree during ticks. This method starts with an underscore as you usually don't need to call it. v1.4


This is the main node for the Utility AI Behaviour Tree nodes. The root node is ticked to update the state of the behaviour tree.


The UtilityAIBTRoot has the following properties:

Type Name Description Version
bool is_active This property can be used to include or exlude the node from processing. v1.4
int total_tick_usec This is the total time in microseconds the call to the tick() method used. v1.4


The UtilityAIBTRoot has the following methods:

Type Name Description Version
void tick(Variant user_data, float delta) This is the behaviour tree tick-method you should be using to tick the tree. You can provide any Godot variant type as a parameter (usually a node used as an actor or a dictionary used as a blackboard), along with a delta-time. These are passed to all the child nodes of the behaviour tree during ticks. v1.4

Composite nodes

UtilityAIBTSequence and UtilityAIBTRandomSequence

These two node types are used to create sequences.

The UtilityAIBTSequence node executes its child nodes from top-to-bottom order until either all of the succeed (returning 1) or one of them fails (returning -1). If a child returns running (0) the sequence will return running to its parent.

The UtilityAIBTRandomSequence works similarly, it just shuffles the nodes into a random order before ticking them.

UtilityAIBTSelector and UtilityAIBTRandomSelector

These two node types are used to create fallbacks.

The UtilityAIBTSelector node executes its child nodes from top-to-bottom order until one of them succeeds (returning 1) or all of them fail (returning -1). If a child returns running (0) the selector will return running to its parent.

The UtilityAIBTRandomSelector works similarly, it just shuffles the nodes into a random order before ticking them.


The parallel node ticks all its child nodes. If any of the nodes returns failure (-1) or running (0), the parallel node returns it back to its parent. If the child nodes return both failure and running statuses, the running status is returned to the parent node.


The score based picker node evaluates its direct child nodes and calculates a score for each of them based on UtilityAIConsideration and UtilityAIConsiderationGroup nodes that are set as the childs of them. The direct child node with the highest score is chosen and then ticked.

Decorator nodes

UtilityAIBTCooldownMsec, UtilityAICooldownUsec and UtilityAICooldownTicks

The cooldown nodes can be used to set a branch of the behaviour tree into a cooldown after it has been ticked. The types are cooldown in milliseconds (msec), cooldown in microseconds (usec) and cooldown for a given number of ticks. All of them work similarly: when the cooldown node is ticked, it ticks its child node, starts the cooldown and returns what ever the child node returned. It will return the set cooldown_return_value until the cooldown expires.


Type Name Description Version
int cooldown_msec/usec/tics The cooldown period after the cooldown node is ticked. v1.4
int cooldown_return_value The result that is returned during cooldown. Can be either -1=Failure, 0=Running or 1=Success. v1.4


The fixed result node ticks the first behaviour tree child node it has and regardless of what the child returns, the fixed result node returns what ever value you have set as its fixed_result property back to its parent. This node can also be used as a leaf-node.


Type Name Description Version
int fixed_result The result that should always be returned. Can be either -1=Failure, 0=Running or 1=Success. v1.4


The inverter node ticks the first behaviour tree child node it has and returns back to its parent the result of the child node, inverted. So success becomes failure, a failure a success. If Running is returned, the inverter returns running back to its parent.


The limiter node ticks its child for max_repeat_times and then returns -1 (failure) until the node is reset.


Type Name Description Version
int max_repeat_times The maximum times the limiter node can be ticked. v1.4


The passthrough node calls the user-defined tick-method and then calls the tick-method of its child node, returning what ever the child node tick result is. If no child node has been defined, it returns what ever you choose for the tick-result.

You can use this node to do preparations for a behaviour tree branch, for instance calculate some angles or distances that all the nodes within a branch will be using and putting them to user_data.


The RepeatUntil node ticks its child either until the expected_tick_result is returned by its child or max_repeat_times. If max_repeat_times is set to -1, only the expected_tick_result will end the loop.


Type Name Description Version
int max_repeat_times The maximum times the limiter node can be ticked. v1.4
int expected_tick_result The result that the child node should return to end the loop. Can be either -1=Failure, 0=Running or 1=Success. v1.4


The Repeater node ticks its child until max_repeat_times is reached. If max_repeat_times is set to -1 the child will be ticked indefinitely.


Type Name Description Version
int max_repeat_times The maximum times the limiter node can be ticked. v1.4

Task nodes


The leaf node is used for conditions and actions. You should define your own on_tick() method where you do your logic. You can also define the method with the name tick() but this is only available for backwards compatibility to version 1.4.

You can either return the tick result or set the tick_result property. Examples:

func on_tick(blackboard, delta) -> int:
    return 1
func on_tick(blackboard, delta):
    tick_result = 1


The node reference node can be used to reference any behaviour tree node type anywhere in your scene. This gives a lot of flexibility when designing your AI behaviours.

For instance, you can have an AI agent that has a node reference in its behaviour tree for any items it picks up. Each item can then contain a sub behaviour tree that describes how the item can be used by the AI. When the AI picks up an item, the node reference is set to point to the sub-tree within the item node, and immediately the AI agent can use the item.


Type Name Description Version
NodePath node_reference_nodepath A nodepath to a behaviour tree node. v1.4


The PassBy node can be used to run a user-defined tick() method without returning any result value. The purpose of this node is to allow running any additional logic during a tick() without affecting the flow of the Behaviour Tree. In essence, the functionality is similar to the PassThrough node, but this node can be placed within a sequence, for example.


The Run NQS Query node can be used to initialite Node Query System queries. They return running until the query has completed.


Type Name Description Version
Node nqs_search_space A node reference to a NQS Search Space node. (Changed from v1.4 node path). v1.5
int top_n_to_find The number of results the search should return. Overrides the setting on the search space. v1.4

Utility enabled State Tree

A StateTree is a state management structure that is a hybrid of a behaviour tree and a hierarchical state machine.

The Utility AI GDExtensions State Tree is just two nodes: UtilityAISTRoot and UtilityAISTNode. The State Tree nodes are utility-enabled, which means that if desired, the node selection for a state can be done by using UtilityAIConsideration nodes or resources. Alternatively a on_enter_condition() method can be defined for the State Tree nodes to define the selection logic.

When the tree is ticked for the first time, a set of active states is selected by evaluating the child nodes of the root node, and the childs of the child nodes, until a leaf node is found that can be activated (i.e. its on_enter_condition() method returns true or utility-based evaluation selects it as the highest-scoring node). All the State Tree nodes from the root node all the way down to the found leaf node are then considered as "active". On subsequent calls to the root node tick() method, all the active nodes are ticked in top-to-down order from the root to the leaf node. This allows you to create a hierarchy of states with shared logic on the top-level nodes and more specific logic on the leaf nodes. You can select the child node evaluation method for each State Tree node by setting the child_state_selection_rule property.

User-defined methods on_enter_condition(user_data, delta) -> bool, on_enter_state(user_data, delta), on_exit_state(user_data, delta) and on_tick(user_data, delta) can be defined to create your custom state activation and handling logic. Alternatively, you can also use the signals state_check_enter_condition(user_data, delta), state_entered(user_data, delta), state_exited(user_data, delta) and state_ticked(user_data, delta).

The states are changed by calling the transition_to() method and by providing a NodePath to a child node of the State Tree root node as a target state. The child nodes of the target node are evaluated, all the way down the tree, until a leaf State Tree node is activated. If no active leaf node is found, the state transition fails and the State Tree remains in the existing state.


When a scene with a State Tree is first run, during the first call to the tick() method the State Tree will automatically transition to the root node to find the initial set of active states.

When the state changes, the on_exit_state() method is called for existing state nodes that are not included in the new state set. Similarly, for new state nodes that were not included in the existing state set, the on_enter_state() method is called.

During a tick, the on_tick() method is called for all the active states.

You construct a State Tree by first adding a UtilityAISTRoot node to your scene. Under the root node you add UtilityAISTNodes, and you can keep adding further UtilityAISTNodes until you have the state structure you need.

Shared properties for all the State Tree nodes

All the State Tree nodes have the following shared properties:

Type Name Description Version
int child_state_selection_rule Defines how the child state is chosen. Can be one of the following: "OnEnterConditionMethod:0,UtilityScoring:1", where "OnEnterConditionMethod" means that the user-defined on_enter_condition() method is called and if it returns true, the state is selected. "UtilityScoring" option uses the considerations set in the properties of the state and/or as child nodes. The highest-scoring state will be chosen. v1.5
int evaluation_method Defines how the considerations are aggregated. Can be one of the following: "Sum:0,Min:1,Max:2,Mean:3,Multiply:4,FirstNonZero:5". v1.5
Array considerations Considerations set as a property of the state. These are used if the "UtilityScoring" option is selected for the child_state_selection_rule. v1.5

Shared methods for all the State Tree nodes

All the State Tree nodes have the following shared methods:

Type Name Description Version
void transition_to(NodePath new_state_nodepath, Variant user_data, float delta) This method is used to transition between states in the Stae Tree. You must provide the NodePath (relative to the State Tree root node) for the target state and you can provide any Godot variant type as a parameter (usually a node used as an actor or a dictionary used as a blackboard), along with a delta-time. User_data and delta are passed to the on_enter_condition()-method when selecting the active states. v1.5

Shared signals for all the State Tree nodes

Signal Parameters Description Version
state_check_enter_condition user_data, delta Emitted when the the on_enter_condition() check needs to be done. The signal must call the set_on_entered_condition(bool enter_state) method with either true or false as the parameter to indicate if the state should be entered or not. v1.6
state_entered user_data,delta Emitted when the state is entered. Add any state initialization to this signal handler. v1.6
state_exited user_data,delta Emitted when the state is exited. Add any state deinitialization to this signal handler. v1.6
state_ticked user_data,delta Emitted when the state is ticked. Add state update logic to this signal handler. v1.6


This is the root node for a State Tree. To update the tree, you call the tick()-method of its root node. This will tick all the child nodes.


Type Name Description Version
int total_tick_usec The time to complete a tick in usec. v1.5


Type Name Description Version
void tick(Variant user_data, float delta) The tick()-method is used to update the State Tree state. You can provide any Godot variant type as a parameter (usually a node used as an actor or a dictionary used as a blackboard), along with a delta-time. User_data and delta are passed to the on_enter_state(), on_exit_state(), on_tick() and on_enter_condition() methods of the child nodes. v1.5


This is the workhorse of the State Tree. It acts as all the other levels of the state tree other than the tree root. If a UtilityAISTNode has no child nodes, it is considered a leaf node. If it has child nodes, it is considered like a selector in a behaviour tree: it will evaluate its child nodes to find a leaf node to activate.

To make use of the UtilityAISTNode, define the following methods for all the nodes:

extends UtilityAISTNode

func on_enter_condition(user_data, delta) -> bool:
	# Do your logic here to decide when this node should be activated.
	# Return true or false based on your logic.
	return true

func on_enter_state(user_data, delta) -> void:
	# Initialize your state here.

func on_exit_state(user_data, delta) -> void:
	# Clean up before exiting the state here.

func on_tick(user_data, delta) -> void:
	# Do what ever the state needs to do here.


You can rename the user_data parameter what ever you want. Most common ones would be blackboard if you are using a dictionary to share variables between your states, and actor if you just pass the root node of your AI entity scene.

The Node Query System (NQS)

The Utility AI Node Query System is a set of nodes that can be used to score and filter any set of Godot nodes to find the top N best nodes given a set of search criteria. The two main node types for the Node Query System are UtilityAINQSSearchSpaces and UtilityAINQSSearchCriteria.

The Node Query System has been designed to be as flexible as possible and to allow any node property to be used as a scoring or filtering criterion. This allows the use of the system for spatial reasoning ("what is the best cover point/tile to move to?"), but also any other type of quantitative reasoning or ranking a game could need for the AI ("what is the best inventory item to use?, "who is the biggest threat?").

The structure of a query

NQS Structure

The Search Spaces nodes define a set of nodes as a "search space" for queries. A simple example of a search space would be a specific node group.

The Search Criteria nodes define filtering and scoring criteria when queries are executed to find nodes within a search space. The filtering and scoring can use any node property, for example the node position or the distance from a given coordinate to the node position. Similarly to Considerations an activation curve can be set to further customize the scoring of each criteria to fit the needs of your game.

The queries are calls to the post_query() method of the NQS singleton (recommended way of using the NQS), or the execute_query() method of a search space. The method applies the criteria nodes set as the child nodes of the search space and stores the results in the query_results and query_result_scores properties of the search space.

How filtering works

The criterion nodes contain the Use for Filtering property. If this property is set to true (the checkbox is checked), the criterion will remove the nodes that do not match its filtering rule. For example, the Distance criteria have min_distance and max_distance properties. If the distance to a node is less than the min_distance or greater than the max_distance, the node is filtered out and it will not be included when evaluating the next criteria.

How scoring works

The Use for Scoring property needs to be set to true if a criterion should assign a score to a node. The scoring logic depends on the criterion. For instance, the distance criteria calculcate the distance from a given position to the evaluated node, and then use the minimum and maximum distance values to scale the result to the range of 0..1. If the distance is less than the set minimum distance, the score will be 0. If it is greater than the maximum distance, the score will be 1.

The scoring for each node is done by multiplying the score the node gets in each criterion.

NQS Scoring

If a criterion is not used for scoring, it will simply assign the value 1.0 as the node score.

Filtering and Scoring together

For performance, when adding the search criteria add the filtering criteria first if possible to reduce the number of nodes as early as possible. After those, add the score-based criteria to filter and rank the remaining nodes.


A singleton has been added that allows time budgeting for the NQS queries. See the included example project for an example of how to use the singleton. As of version 1.4 the singleton is the recommended way of executing the queries. It is still possible to execute them directly as well, if needed.

To use the NodeQuerySystem-singleton to execute queries, you call the NodeQuerySystem.post_query(Node search_space, bool is_high_priority) method. The queries can be posted with a regular priority or a high priority. The high priority queries are always updated first, and by default they are also allocated more time per physics frame. The remaining time is used to update the regular priority queries.

Utility AI GDExtension targets currently the version 4.1 of the Godot Engine to offer the widest compatibility for Godot 4.X releases. Unfortunately, in version 4.1 of Godot a singleton cannot have a _physics_process() method, and therefore updating the singleton requires one line of code to be added to your game. Specifically, the NodeQuerySystem.run_queries() method needs to be called once per physics frame to allow the queries to execute.

The NodeQuerySystem-singleton has the following properties:

Type Name Description Version
int run_queries_time_budget_per_frame_usec This is the time the run_queries() method is allowed to run per frame, in usec (microseconds). When the time runs out, they will resume from where they left off on the next physics frame. v1.4
float time_allocation_pct_to_high_priority_queries Value between 0..1, determines how much of the run_queries_time_budget_per_frame is used for high-priority queries. The time left over is used for the regular priority queries. v1.4
int high_priority_query_per_frame_execute_query_time_budget_usec This how much time the run_queries() method uses to make progress for each high priority query at a time. If you have 5 high priority queries posted, for example, and this is set to 20 microseconds, run_queries() loops through the 5 queries and uses approximately 20 microseconds for each query during each loop iteration until the time budget for high priority queries runs out. Default value: 20 usec (microseconds). v1.5
int regular_query_per_frame_execute_query_time_budget_usec This is the time used by run_queries() method for each regular query it has time to update per update iteration. Default value: 10 usec (microseconds). v1.5

And the following methods:

Type Name Description Version
void post_query(Node search_space, bool is_high_priority) This adds the given search space to the list of queries to be executed when the method run_queries() is called. v1.4
void stop_query(Node search_space) This stops the search_space query by removing it from the list of queries to be executed when the method run_queries() is called. v1.5
void run_queries() Runs the posted queries. Call this once per frame in your main scene. v1.4
void clear_queries() Empties the list of queries to run per frame. Call this when you need to clean up, i.e. in the _ready() and _exit_tree() methods. v1.4
void initialize_performance_counters() Initializes the counters that can then be seen in the Debug/Monitors tab in the editor. v1.4
void set_run_queries_time_budget_per_frame_usec(int time_budget) This method is used to set the time budget for running the queries in usec (microseconds). v1.4
void set_time_allocation_pct_to_high_priority_queries(float time_allocation_pct) Value between 0..1, sets how much of the run_queries_time_budget_per_frame is used for high-priority queries. v1.5
void set_high_priority_query_per_frame_execute_query_time_budget_usec(int time_budget_usec) This sets the time used by run_queries() method for each high priority query it updates per frame. Default value: 20 usec (microseconds). v1.5
void set_regular_query_per_frame_execute_query_time_budget_usec(int time_budget_usec) This sets the time used by run_queries() method for each regular query it updates per frame. Default value: 10 usec (microseconds). v1.5

UtilityAISearchSpaces nodes

The search space nodes are used to define the set of nodes that will be included in the search when a query is executed. The following search space nodes have been implemented:

General search spaces

  • UtilityAINodeGroupSearchSpace
  • UtilityAINodeChildrenSearchSpace

2D search spaces

  • UtilityAIArea2DSearchSpace
  • UtilityAIPointGrid2DSearchSpace

3D search spaces

  • UtilityAIArea3DSearchSpace
  • UtilityAIPointGrid3DSearchSpace

The search space nodes need to have the UtilityAISearchCriteria nodes as their children. When the query finishes, the search spaces emit the query_completed-signal. The search spaces fill in a TypedArray _query_results and a PackedFloat64Array _query_result_scores. These are sorted by the score in a descending order. This means that the first node in the _query_results array is also the one with the highest score.

The execute_query() method average runtime and other metrics (see below) are available for debugging and finetuning your queries.

Each search space can be run by itself, by calling its execute_query() method until it returns true (completed), or by using the NodeQuerySystem-singleton. If the singleton is used, you should not use the execute_query() method at all, but simply post the query using NodeQuerySystem.post_query()-method instead. The NodeQuerySystem singleton is the recommended way of executing the queries for search spaces, as it allows the use of time budgeting.

Shared properties

All the search spaces have the following general properties.

Type Name Description Version
bool is_active This property can be used to include or exlude the node from processing. v1.3
int top_n_to_find The number of nodes to return (at maximum) v1.3
TypedArray query_results The resulting array of nodes, sorted in descending order based on the score. v1.3
PackedFloat64Array query_result_scores The resulting array of node scores. v1.3
int average_call_runtime_usec Used for debugging and tuning, the average time a single call to execute_query() method takes. v1.4
int total_query_runtime_usec The total time to complete the query. Note that this calculates the time from starting the query to finishing it, which means that for queries that take several frames this includes processing time used outside of the execute_query() method (i.e. all your other code you run per frame). v1.4
int completed_signal_time_usec The time it takes to handle the query_completed signal (i.e. your result handling code). v1.4
int search_space_fetch_time_usec The time it takes to fetch all the nodes that will be filtered and scored in the query. v1.4
int total_query_node_visits The total number of node visits done when running the query. v1.4
int total_query_call_count The number of times the execute_query() method was called to finish the query. v1.4
bool is_run_in_debug_mode If true, the search spaces add two variables in to the nodes they process: is_filtered and score and set their values based on the criteria. v1.5

Shared methods

Type Name Description Version
void initialize_search_space() If you override the _ready() method, you have to call initialize_search_space() in your overridden _ready() method. v1.3
bool execute_query(int time_budget_usec) The execute_query() method fetches the search space nodes based on its configuration and then applies the search criteria in top-down order. A time_budget_usec, which is the time budget in microseconds, must be set to limit the time the method uses for the query. Returns false if the query hasn't finished (time has run out) and true otherwise. v1.4
void start_query() The start_query() method prepares the search space for a query, but does not yet apply any criteria. v1.4

Shared signals

Signal Parameters Description Version
query_completed search_space Emitted when the query execution is completed. v1.4


This node uses the node grouping property of the Godot Engine to construct the search space. All the nodes in the given group are returned as the search space.


Type Name Description Version
StringName group_name The group name to use in the search. v1.3




This node uses the children of a node to construct the search space. The direct children of the given node are returned as the search space.


Type Name Description Version
NodePath parent_node The parent node to use in the search. v1.3



UtilityAIArea2DSearchSpace and UtilityAIArea3DSearchSpace

These nodes use an Area2D or Area3D to define the search space. All the nodes that are within or intersecting with the Area2D/area3D are returned as the search space. The search space uses the on_area_entered and on_area_exited signals to determine which other Area2D/3D nodes are intersecting with the set area.


Type Name Description Version
NodeName area2d/3d_nodepath The nodepath to the Area3D node to use. v1.3
TypedArray<Area2D/3D> intersecting_areas The areas intersecting or within the set area. Useful when debugging the search space. v1.3



UtilityAIPointGrid2DSearchSpace and UtilityAIPointGrid3DSearchSpace

These nodes create and use a Node2D/3D point grid to define the search space. You need to set a Node2D/3D parent node where the nodes will be created as child nodes. The points are created relative to the parent node position and will inherit the transformations from the parent node. The parent node will be in the middle of the point grid.

The points for the grid are created as pairs: a base point and a lattice point.

For instance in a very dense 2D square grid, there could be a base point every 2x and 1y. This spacing between base points is controlled with the point_grid_base_spacing_vector property. The values of this property also control the density of the grid. The smaller the spacing between points, the more points needs to be created to fill the area/volume given with the grid size property.

The lattice point is a point relative to the base point. For the 2D square grid mentioned earlier the point_grid_lattice_vector would be (1,0). This will create the lattice point to the right of the base point.

During the creation of the point grid the x and y axes are looped through starting from -0.5 * grid_size.x, -0.5 * grid_size.y and going up to 0.5 * grid_size.x, 0.5 * grid_size.y. On each loop iteration the point_grid_base_spacing_vector x and y components are added to the current position to get the next position for the next pair of points. So on each iteration, both the base point and the lattice point will be added. For 3D grids the z-axis is handled similarly to the x and y axes.

Square grid base point and lattice point.

To get a triangular grid, only the lattice point needs to be moved. If we move it 0.5 units upwards and set the point_grid_lattice_vector to (1,0.5) we would get a grid like in the image below.

Triangle grid base point and lattice point.

By adjusting the base point spacing and lattice vector values, you can create various types of grids with the density you want.


When creating point grids, it is very easy to create a huge amount of points for a search space.

Optionally a NavigationMesh can be used when the point grid is been queried. Then the points will be placed on the closest point to their grid position on the NavigationMesh.

To set a visible debug shape for the point grid, you can create a Node2D (or derived node, such as Sprite2D) for the UtilityAIPointGrid2DSearchSpace and a Node3D (or derived node, such as MeshInstance) for the UtilityAIPointGrid3DSearchSpace. The node should be added as a child node for the search space and its name must be DEBUG.

The point grid creation method will create two properties for the point grid nodes: score and is_filtered. These will be updated for the point grid nodes if the search space property is_run_in_debug_mode is set in the Debugging property group.


Type Name Description Version
Node point_grid_parentnode The parent node where the point grid will be created. v1.5
int point_grid_type The type of the grid, currently only RECTANGULAR is supported. v1.5
Vector2/3 grid_size The grid width, height (and depth for 3D). v1.5
int point_grid_lattice_type The lattice type defines how the points are ordered. v1.5
Vector2/3 point_grid_base_spacing_vector The base spacing of the point grid. Defines how rows and columns are created v1.5
Vector2/3 point_grid_lattice_vector The "additional point" which defines the shape of the grid. v1.5
Vector2/3 offset_vector Optional offset you can apply to the points after they are positioned. v1.5
bool use_navigation_mesh_positions If this is set to true and the navigation_map_rid property is set to a valid navigation map, the point grid positions will be placed on the navigation mesh. Default value is true. v1.5
RID navigation_map_rid See the description of the use_navigation_mesh_positions property. v1.5
TypedArray<Node2/3D> point_grid The grid of points as Node2D/Node3D nodes. v1.5
bool is_run_in_debug_mode If this is set to true, the score and is_filtered properties will be set by the search space for the point grid nodes. v1.5



UtilityAISearchCriteria nodes

The search criteria nodes are used to filter and score the nodes fetched using the search spaces. There are general criterias that can be used with any Godot node and specific criteria for 2D and 3D related search spaces.

Each criterion has an internal apply_criterion() method that is applied to the node passed to it. This method updates the is_filtered and score properties of the criterion and the results are visible in the Godot Engine editor inspector.


All the criterion nodes share the following general properties.

Type Name Description Version
bool use_for_scoring If true, the criterion will be used for scoring. v1.3
bool use_for_filtering If true, the criterion will be used for filtering. v1.3
bool is_filtered Used in apply_criterion(). If set to true, the will be filtered out. v1.3
float score Used in apply_criterion(). The score calculated by apply_criterion(). Default value: 1.0. v1.3

UtilityAIAngleToVector2SearchCriterion and UtilityAIAngleToVector3SearchCriterion

The Vector2/3 angle search criterion can be used to score and filter based on the node minimum and maximum angle compared to the set angle_to_direction_vector. For Node2D the search space direction is the (1,0) vector rotated by the global rotation amount, and for Node3D the node direction (-global_transform.basis.z).


Type Name Description Version
Vector2/3 angle_to_direction_vector The direction vector compare the search space node facing to. v1.3
float min_angle_degrees Minimum angle in degrees. If the angle is less than this and filtering is applied, the tested node is filtered out. v1.3
float max_angle_degrees Maximum angle in degrees. If the angle is more than this and filtering is applied, the tested node is filtered out. v1.3




The Vector3 XZ angle search criterion can be used to score and filter based on the angle on the xz-plane between the search space node direction (-global_transform.basis.z) compared to the given angle_to_direction_vector.


Type Name Description Version
Vector2/3 angle_to_direction_vector The direction vector compare the search space node facing to. v1.3
float min_angle_degrees Minimum angle in degrees. If the angle is less than this and filtering is applied, the tested node is filtered out. v1.3
float max_angle_degrees Maximum angle in degrees. If the angle is more than this and filtering is applied, the tested node is filtered out. v1.3




With the custom search criterion you can define a method apply_criterion() that will be called to execute the filtering. You need to set the is_filtered and score properties in the method.





UtilityAIDistanceToNode2DSearchCriterion and UtilityAIDistanceToNode3DSearchCriterion

The Node2D/Node3D distance search criterion can be used to score and filter based on minimum and maximum distance to the set distance_to node.


Type Name Description Version
NodePath distance_to_nodepath The path to the node to which you want to compare the distance to. v1.3
float min_distance Minimum distance. If the distance is less than this and filtering is applied, the tested node is filtered out. v1.3
float max_distance Maximum distance. If the distance is more than this and filtering is applied, the tested node is filtered out. v1.3



UtilityAIDistanceToVector2SearchCriterion and UtilityAIDistanceToVector3SearchCriterion

The Vector2/3 distance search criterion can be used to score and filter based on minimum and maximum distance to the set distance_to vector.


Type Name Description Version
Vector2/3 distance_to_vector The global position to compare the search space node distance to. v1.3
float min_distance Minimum distance. If the distance is less than this and filtering is applied, the tested node is filtered out. v1.3
float max_distance Maximum distance. If the distance is more than this and filtering is applied, the tested node is filtered out. v1.3



UtilityAIDotProductVector2SearchCriterion and UtilityAIDotProductVector3SearchCriterion

The Vector2/3 dot product search criterion can be used to score and filter based the angle the set dot_product_vector has compared to the search space node direction (-global_transform.basis.z for 3D, Vector2(1,0) rotated by rotation for 2D).


Type Name Description Version
Vector2/3 dot_product_vector The global direction vector to compare the search space node direction vectors to. v1.3
float filtering_value If filtering is in use, the result given by the dot product is compared to this value for filtering. v1.3
int filtering_rule If filtering is in use, this is the comparison that is done to decide on the filtering. The choices are: "LessThan:0,LessOrEqual:1,Equal:2,MoreOrEqual:3,MoreThan:4". For instance, if LessThan is chosen then any node that gets a dot product value of less than the value of filtering_value will be filtered out. v1.3



UtilityAIDotProductToPositionVector2SearchCriterion and UtilityAIDotProductToPositionVector3SearchCriterion

The Vector2/3 dot product to position search criterion can be used to check if a specific position is in front of or behind a search space node. It calculates a direction vector using the dot_product_position and the node global position. Then, it calculates a dot product using the direction vector and the search space node direction (-global_transform.basis.z for 3D, Vector2(1,0) rotated by rotation for 2D).


Type Name Description Version
Vector2/3 dot_product_position The global position to use in the dot product calculation. v1.3
float filtering_value If filtering is in use, the result given by the dot product is compared to this value for filtering. v1.3
int filtering_rule If filtering is in use, this is the comparison that is done to decide on the filtering. The choices are: "LessThan:0,LessOrEqual:1,Equal:2,MoreOrEqual:3,MoreThan:4". For instance, if LessThan is chosen then any node that gets a dot product value of less than the value of filtering_value will be filtered out. v1.3




The metadata search criterion can be used to filter nodes based on their metadata. Currently only metadata with type String is supported. Both the name and value of the metadata must match, otherwise the node will be filtered out.


Type Name Description Version
StringName metadata_name The name of the metadata field to find. v1.3
String metadata_value The value of the named metadata field. v1.6

