Terraform scripts to deploy Concourse into an AWS account.
This Concourse setup runs with a Postgres instance in RDS and workers in a spot request fleet. This gives a discount to running the workers and also allows a flexible number of instances to be configured in the auto scaling group.
Setup AWS S3 Backend
terraform init -backend-config="bucket=YOUR-BUCKET" -backend-config="key=concourse.tfstate" -backend-config="region=eu-west-1" -backend=true -force-copy -get=true -input=false
Create a terraform.tfvars
from the example terraform.tfvars.example
To deploy Concourse to AWS simply run terraform apply.
terraform apply
You can optionally define a variable of private_workers
(default: true).
Disabling this value will put the workers in the public subnets, which negates the need for a NAT gateway