Whatsapp bot which provides the number of cases/deaths reported worldwide as well in some countries like
- India
- China
- Italy
It also provides some prevention measures inspired from the Government of India Corona Bot.
You can check out this Medium article
- Stats of Corona Virus cases WorldWide
- Stats of Corona Virus cases happening in India, USA, China, Italy
- How does it spread and how to prevent it?
- Its reliable source of data
- Don't like a feature? Change it! Raise a Pull Request too π
- Python 3.6 or newer
- Virtual environment python plugin (Installation steps are given below).
- Flask web application framework for Python
- A smartphone with an active phone number and WhatsApp installed.
- A Twilio account
To use this bot click on this LINK
Manual Way
Simply send a WhatsApp message to (+1) 415523 8886 with code join shout-daughter. It will show a message saying connected to sandbox. Now start talking by saying Hi | India | USA | Italy and it will display the followup chats.
$ pip install virtualenv
$ virualenv covid-bot
$ covid-bot\Scripts\activate
$ pip install flask
$ pip install twilio
$ pip install request