A Book-tracking app that allows users to search, select and categorize books you have read, are currently reading, or want to read.
This project is build using a static stater React template and features an API provided by Udacity. The goal is to add interactiving to the app.
To run the project, download or clone the repository in your computer:
$ git clone https://github.com/Jeneara/udacity-react-book-app.git
install all project dependencies with
npm install
start the development server with
npm start
Third party librarys
To simplify the development process, udacity provided a backend server for development. The provided file BooksAPI.js
contains the methods I will used to perform necessary operations on the backend:
The backend API uses a fixed set of cached search results and is limited to a particular set of search terms, which can be found in SEARCH_TERMS.md. That list of terms are the only terms that will work with the backend, so don't be surprised if your searches for Basket Weaving or Bubble Wrap don't come back with any results.
- Starter code from Udacity
- React documentation Lifting State Up and 'Thinking in React'
- Jack Herringtons Introduction to React course Introduction to React #5 | State and Events
- React Router Documentation BrowserRouter