This JIRA plugin exists to close some gaps of the JIRA REST API.
- lists all screens by id and name
- lists all screens associated with a given project
- returns the id for a screen with the given name
- lists all custom field descriptions by field (with prefix
- returns a custom field description for a given field (id as
without prefix)
- returns all available translations for all fields
Request body example:
"id" : "customfield_12345",
"name" : {
"de_DE" : "Hinweis",
"en_UK" : "Hint"
"description" : {
"de_DE" : "Zusatzinformation",
"en_UK" : "Additional information"
- returns all available translations of status name / description
Request body example:
"id": "1",
"name": {
"de": "Offen",
"en_US": "Open"
"description": {
"de": "Ein offener Vorgang.",
"en_US": "An open issue."
"id": "2",
"name": {
"de": "Geschlossen",
"en_US": "Closed"
"description": {
"de": "Ein geschlossener Vorgang.",
"en_US": "A closed issue."
- returns workflow scheme id for given project
Request body example:
"author": "someuser",
"body": "secret comment",
"projectAdminsOnly": true
- returns the id of the created option
- Limit: works only with the first configuration scheme of a custom field.
- returns all options marked as disabled
- Use Maven to build a deployable jar file:
mvn clean package