A coding test project with a .NET Core API and a Vuejs web client.
Follow the installation instructions for each dependency on their respective official web pages. (link over the dependency name)
Windows compatible with .NET Core 3.1 runtime or any other compatible system
.NET Core 3.1 LTS (SDK and Runtime)
SQL Server 2019 (Developer or Express)
Node package manager (npm == lts~v14.15.4)
In the root directory of the repository. Open a command prompt of your choice and enter the following commands:
skip this step if you want to use in-memory database.
cd Source/
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
dotnet build
dotnet ef database update --project ./Clients.Api
cd Clients.Vuejs/
npm install
To run the API and Vue.js projects, you will need to open a command prompt for each one. Go to the repository path, from there run:
cd Source/
dotnet run --project ./Clients.Api
also you can pass an application argument migrate
to make the initial migration and run the API.
dotnet run --project ./Clients.Api -- migrate
additionally you can pass the argument --configuration
to use SQLIte
instead of SQLServer
data provider.
dotnet run --project ./Clients.Api -c MOCK -- migrate
if you are using Visual Studio Code you can launch the debugger by pressing:
cd Source/Clients.Vuejs/
npm run serve
if you are using Visual Studio Code you can run the task npm: serve - Source/Clients.Vuejs
, by using.
Ctrl + Shift + P then select Tasks: Run Task
> npm: serve - Source/Clients.Vuejs
This is a demo application using .NET Core 3.1 and Vuejs v3. Consist on a CRUD for the entities Clients and Addresses where each client can have multiple clients.
Here are some information about the architectures, code principles, design patterns and libraries used in this project.
API | Web Client |
N-Layers | Component-Based |
MVC | |
Onion |
- Clean
- Defensive Coding
- Command
- Factory
- Builder
- Dependency Injection
- Repository
- Unit of Work
API | Web Client |
EntityFrameworkCore | axios |
FluentValidations | vee-validate |
AutoMapper | pikaday |
Serilog | vue-router |
GuardClauses | bootstrap-vue |
OpenApi | vue-class-component |
Newtonsoft.Json | guid-typescript |
I hope you find this material very educational and useful. :-)