Simple software to encrypt files with AES-256.
java -jar FileCrypt.jar -enc -in <input file> -out <output file> -pass yourpassword
also work with a directory as an iput file and will make a directory with all encrypted files in and zip file too.
java -jar FileCrypt.jar -dec -in <input file> -out <output file> -pass yourpassword
also work with directory as input file, that will create a new directory (named with output file name) and put all decrypted file in.
- How to build
Clone the repository git clone
- Build
cd FileCrypt/src
javac -cp ../out/lib/*.jar
jar cvfm ../out/FileCrypt.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF *.class
FileCrypt.jar is located in the "out" folder
- Build with a different version of Bouncy Castle
Replace the file "out/lib/bcprov-jdk15on-159.jar" with the new one.
Edit the manifest in "src/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
Manifest-Version: 1.0 Main-Class: Main Class-Path: lib/<THE_NEW_FILE.jar>
- Put FileCrypt.jar and lib directory (located in the out directory) in the directory where u want to encrypt or decrypt a file
- Open a terminal in this directory and type :
java -jar FileCrypt.jar -enc|dec -in <input file> -out <output file> -pass yourpassword
- Generate 64 secure random bytes as Salt Generate
- 12 secure random bytes as IV
- Generate Encryption Key (EK) with PBKDF2
EK = PBKDF2(password, Salt, 50000, 256)
Encrypt/Decrypt with AES/GCM/NoPadding
During directory encryption a new Salt, IV and EK are generated for each file.
Built With Bouncy Castle - Java implementation of cryptographic algorithms.
License : This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.
Source inspiration : Alexzava