Check it out here!
Frontend Repo is here. Create aesthetic displays from this information!
Hitting the endpoint with your username returns the following statistics in the json response:
"status": "success",
"message": "retrieved",
"totalSolved": 360,
"totalQuestions": 1735,
"easySolved": 146,
"totalEasy": 458,
"mediumSolved": 196,
"totalMedium": 904,
"hardSolved": 21,
"totalHard": 368,
"acceptanceRate": 50.92,
"ranking": 47657,
"contributionPoints": 2534,
"reputation": 1,
"submissionCalendar": {}
First clone the repository onto your local machine.
Maven must be installed to run the following commands.
Removes all files generated by the previous build.
Builds the project (while also running all of the tests).
Serves the Apache Tomcat servlet container on http://localhost:8080.
Runs all the tests.