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NumberFormat bugfix (#1242)
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Fix #1238 
Fix #1239 
Fix #1240 
Fix #1241
  • Loading branch information
IKupriyanov-HORIS authored Nov 12, 2024
1 parent 47f82e5 commit eb2e525
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Showing 18 changed files with 1,130 additions and 481 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
* Copyright (c) 2024. JetBrains s.r.o.
* Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package org.jetbrains.letsPlot.commons.formatting.number

import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.sign

internal class Decimal internal constructor(
wholePart: String,
decimalPart: String,
sign: String
) {
val wholePart: String // never empty. "0" for zero, never contains leading zeros
val decimalPart: String // never empty. "0" for zero, never contains trailing zeros
val sign: String // empty for positive, "-" for negative
val isNegative = sign == "-"

init {
require(wholePart.all { it.isDigit() }) {
"Invalid wholePart: $wholePart"

require(decimalPart.all { it.isDigit() }) {
"Invalid decimalPart: $decimalPart"

require(sign == "" || sign == "-") {
"Sign should be empty or '-'"

this.wholePart = wholePart.trimStart('0').takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() } ?: "0"
this.decimalPart = decimalPart.trimEnd('0').takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() } ?: "0"
this.sign = sign

val isWholePartZero = this.wholePart == "0"
val isDecimalPartZero = this.decimalPart == "0"
val isZero = isWholePartZero && isDecimalPartZero

// Returns the whole part as a Long or null if the number is larger than Long.MAX_VALUE.
val wholeValue: Long? by lazy { wholePart.toLongOrNull() }

fun toDouble(): Double {
return "$sign$wholePart.$decimalPart".toDouble()

val asFloating: Floating by lazy { toFloating() }

fun toFloating(): Floating {
if (wholePart == "0") {
val significandDigitPos = decimalPart.indexOfFirst { it != '0' }
if (significandDigitPos == -1) {
return Floating(0, "0", 0)

val i = decimalPart[significandDigitPos].digitToInt()
val e = -(significandDigitPos + 1)
val fracPart = decimalPart.drop(significandDigitPos + 1)
return Floating(i, fracPart, e)
} else {
val i = wholePart[0].digitToInt()
val e = wholePart.length - 1
val fracPart = wholePart.drop(1) + decimalPart.toInt()
return Floating(i, fracPart, e)

// Shift decimal point to the left (shift < 0) or to the right (shift > 0).
fun shiftDecimalPoint(shift: Int): Decimal {
if (shift == 0) {
return this

if (shift > 0) {
if (decimalPart.length <= shift) {
val zeros = "0".repeat(shift - decimalPart.length)
return Decimal(wholePart + decimalPart + zeros, "0", sign)
} else {
val newIntPart = wholePart + decimalPart.take(shift)
val newFracPart = decimalPart.drop(shift)
return Decimal(newIntPart, newFracPart, sign)
} else {
if (shift.absoluteValue >= wholePart.length) {
val zeros = "0".repeat(shift.absoluteValue - wholePart.length)
return Decimal("0", zeros + wholePart + decimalPart, sign)
} else {
val newIntPart = wholePart.take(wholePart.length - shift.absoluteValue)
val newFracPart = wholePart.takeLast(shift.absoluteValue) + decimalPart
return Decimal(newIntPart, newFracPart, sign)

fun iRound(precision: Int): Decimal {
val number = wholePart + decimalPart
val (roundedNumber, _) = iRound(number, precision)

val decimalPoint = wholePart.length + if (roundedNumber.length > number.length) 1 else 0
val roundedIntPart = roundedNumber.take(decimalPoint)
val roundedFracPart = roundedNumber.drop(decimalPoint)

return Decimal(roundedIntPart, roundedFracPart, sign)

fun fRound(precision: Int): Decimal {
if (decimalPart.length <= precision) {
return this

val (roundedFracPart, carry) = round(decimalPart, precision)
val roundedIntPart = if (carry) add(wholePart, "1").first else wholePart
return Decimal(roundedIntPart, roundedFracPart, sign)

override fun toString(): String = "$sign$wholePart.$decimalPart"

override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other == null || this::class != other::class) return false

other as Decimal

if (wholePart != other.wholePart) return false
if (decimalPart != other.decimalPart) return false
if (sign != other.sign) return false

return true

override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = wholePart.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + decimalPart.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + sign.hashCode()
return result

companion object {
val ZERO: Decimal = Decimal("0", "0", "")

fun fromNumber(value: Number): Decimal {
val dbl = value.toDouble()

if (dbl.isNaN()) {
return Decimal("NaN", "", "")
if (dbl.isInfinite()) {
return Decimal("Infinity", "", if (dbl < 0) "-" else "")

val (intStr, fracStr, exponentString) =
?: error("Wrong number: $value")

val exp = exponentString.toIntOrNull() ?: 0
val sign = if (dbl.sign < 0) "-" else ""

val (intPart, fracPart) = when {
exp == 0 -> intStr to fracStr
exp > 0 -> {
if (exp < fracStr.length) {
val intPart = intStr + fracStr.take(exp)
val fracPart = fracStr.drop(exp)
intPart to fracPart
} else {
val intPart = intStr + fracStr + "0".repeat(exp - fracStr.length)
intPart to "0"

exp < 0 -> {
val fracPart = "0".repeat(-exp - intStr.length) + intStr + fracStr
"0" to fracPart

else -> error("Unexpected state. value: $exp")

return Decimal(intPart, fracPart, sign)

// Add two numbers represented as strings.
// Returns a pair of the result and a carry flag (true if the result has an additional digit).
private fun add(a: String, b: String): Pair<String, Boolean> {
val maxLength = maxOf(a.length, b.length)
val range = (0 until maxLength).reversed()

val deltaA = a.length - maxLength
val deltaB = b.length - maxLength

var carry = 0
val result = CharArray(maxLength)
for (i in range) {
val va = a.getOrNull(i + deltaA)?.digitToInt() ?: 0
val vb = b.getOrNull(i + deltaB)?.digitToInt() ?: 0
val sum = va + vb + carry
result[i] = '0' + (sum % 10)
carry = sum / 10

return if (carry == 0) {
result.concatToString() to false
} else {
("1" + result.concatToString()) to true

private fun carryOnRound(number: String): Boolean {
when (number.length) {
0 -> return false
1 -> return number.single() >= '5'
else -> {
if (number.first() >= '5') return true
if (number.first() == '5' && number.asSequence().drop(1).any { it > '0' }) return true
return false

private fun round(number: String, precision: Int): Pair<String, Boolean> {
val trailingPart = number.takeLast(number.length - precision)
val significantPart = number.take(precision)

val carry = carryOnRound(trailingPart)

val (fRoundedRestPart, carryFromFracToInt) = when {
significantPart.isEmpty() -> "" to carry // round to integer - no fractional part
else -> add(significantPart, if (carry) "1" else "0")

val resultFracPart = if (carryFromFracToInt) fRoundedRestPart.drop(1) else fRoundedRestPart

return resultFracPart to carryFromFracToInt

private fun iRound(number: String, precision: Int): Pair<String, Boolean> {
// special cases like:
// round(16.5, 0) => 20.0
// Without this line, it would be 0.0
val precision = if (precision == 0) 1 else precision

if (number.length <= precision) {
return number to false

return when (val roundingPartLength = number.length - precision) {
0 -> number to false
else -> when (number[precision] >= '5') {
true -> {
val valuePart = number.take(precision) + "0".repeat(roundingPartLength) // zeroing the rounding part
val carryValue = "1" + "0".repeat(roundingPartLength) // carry to the value part
add(valuePart, carryValue).first to true
false -> {
val valuePart = number.take(precision) + "0".repeat(roundingPartLength)
valuePart to false
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
* Copyright (c) 2024. JetBrains s.r.o.
* Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package org.jetbrains.letsPlot.commons.formatting.number

class Floating(i: Int, fraction: String, exp: Int) {
val i: Int // 1..9 or 0 for 0.0
val fraction: String // never empty
val exp: Int

init {
require(i in 0..9) { "i should be in 0..9" }
this.i = i
this.fraction = fraction.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() } ?: "0"
this.exp = exp

override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other == null || this::class != other::class) return false

other as Floating

if (i != other.i) return false
if (fraction != other.fraction) return false
if (exp != other.exp) return false

return true

override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = i
result = 31 * result + fraction.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + exp
return result

override fun toString(): String {
return "Floating(i=$i, fraction='$fraction', e=$exp)"

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