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A simple Node-Express.js RESTFul App/API for Cloud/DevOps testing/learning purposes.


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DevOps: Node App

This is a basic CRUD app built on Express.js. This app was created to understand the fundamentals of Docker, CI/CD and TypeScript server development.

Folder Structure

├── Dockerfile
├── Procfile
├── app
│   ├── Controller
│   │   └── index.ts
│   ├── Database
│   │   └── recepies.ts
│   ├── Routes
│   │   └── api.ts
│   ├── index.ts
│   └── views
│       ├── pages
│       │   └── index.ejs
│       └── partials
│           ├── footer.ejs
│           ├── head.ejs
│           └── header.ejs
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── tsconfig.json

Version 1: Implementation

  1. Created a basic REST API using Express.js
  2. Deployed app using Heroku.
  3. Created a Docker image for this App. Pushed image to Docker-Hub.
  4. Deployed app Docker-Container using Heroku.

Version 2: Implementation

  1. Migrated to Typescript.
  2. Eslint and Prettier setup.
    • Followed Airbnb style guide.
    • Setup eslint config and eslint ignore files.
  3. Updated Dockerfile.

Version 2.1: ESLint Pre-Commit Hook

  1. Added Pre-Commit Hook via Husky and Lint-Staged
  2. Improve code quality. Enforce code quality working with teams.

Version 2.2: Basic EJS Template setup in Express

  1. Added EJS Templates.
  2. Modified Build Script.
    • TSC complies all .ts files and outputs to dist folder. EJS Views need to be copied from ./app to ./dist.

Version 3 : CI/CD pipeline implementation via Github Actions

  1. Setup Github Actions CI/CD Pipeline.
  2. Updated Dockerfile.
  3. Github Actions CI/CD creates Docker Container and pushes to Docker Hub.

Version 3.1: CI/CD pipeline implementation via Jenkins

Version 4 : Sample Deployment into AWS EC2 Instance or Azure Instance.